10 - Dirty Little Secrets

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I knew I would regret it as soon as I agreed to the deal, but Kyda was right. Even though I had rested my leg as much as possible, getting home would be torture. Unless I had that flower. The healing properties of the silver lace blossom were well known amongst most mages, and it was also almost entirely unattainable.

"Okay, well, is there anything you are willing to share without me having to pry?" Kyda asked and I narrowed my eyes.

"I dont like how you worded that, wolf, what answers are you looking for?"

She grinned a little sheepishly and sat up. I was still somewhat surprised by how she struck up the deal. I didnt think someone like her, so bright and shiny, was capable of trapping someone into a deal. Even if it was just over a flower.

"First of all," she started, "I want to know what on earth possessed you to attack Matthew. I know he was being an asshole, but an all out brawl? There has to be more to it," she said, very matter of factly, too. She had been giving this some thought. So had I.

"I don't know," I said simply, "haven't you ever just met someone who gets under your skin?" I asked and she gave me a pointed look. "Me? No, wolf, I don't get under your skin, I'm already deep in your soul," I said and she turned her face away. I clenched my hands into fists as I felt heat rush up to my face, realising what I had just said.

"You're not getting this flower," she said after a moment.

"Fine," I sighed, eyeing the delicate crystal petals in her hand. "I was one hundred percent ready to go home that day, I was ready to go," I paused, clearing my throat awkwardly.

"But?" she prompted, her face serious, an expression I wasn't quite used to from her.

"But, when Matthew said that thing, that I wouldn't have been able to care for you anyway, it rubbed me the wrong way," I said.


"Enough questions, wolf-" I stopped as she stood and stepped towards the door. "You wolves, your bonds are strong. Your species is one of the most tightly bound in Raynor. You are fiercely protective of each other. But you think it is the only way to show love, to be loud and unforgivingly present all the time, every day."

"So you leaving was a sign of love?" she asked, confused as she played with the edge of the flower.

"Me leaving was a sign of mercy. The attraction felt over a bond can be fatally strong and ours was already starting. I wanted to go before it affected you too. I can deal with the isolation. It would break you."

"I already feel it," she said softly, finally meeting my eyes. "I've felt it since after the first day I met you. Taking you to practice, to the pond, it was enough. I waited a long time to find my mate, I was ready to embrace you however you were," she said. "Sitting by you in the hospital was hell, I felt like a part of me was dying."

"I didn't know," I said stupidly.

"Of course you wouldn't," she laughed, "you're not exactly the type to ask a girl how she's feeling now, are you?" she asked. There was a smile on her face, but a sadness in her eyes.

"Kyda, I--"

"Don't," she held up a hand and stopped me. stepping forward, she placed the little flower in my lap and turned to leave the room. "Now, I'm showing myself mercy, and I'm letting you go."


For the longest time, I sat staring at the silver lace blossom. Its petals glittered gently in the light of the setting sun. I traced my fingers along the edges of the petals, just as Kyda had been doing. I thought about what she had said. The bond seemed to be as strong for her as it was for me. What was I supposed to do about it? Was I supposed to accept her as my mate and stay? Or would she come with me? Would my parents even accept a werewolf?

"Stop it, Ibhan, she said shes letting you go," I said sternly to myself through gritted teeth. I had an apprenticeship to complete.

I flipped open my spell book. The first half was mostly common knowledge things my parents passed down to me. I had an entire section on rare flowers. It took me a few minutes, but eventually I found the passage on the silver lace blossom.

Silver lace trees grow over the ground where large amounts of love andagic are infused. This combination gives the flowers incredible healing properties. Chewing one petal of a silver lace blossom can rapidly speed up the healing process.

I had scrawled these notes a long time ago, and I vaguely remembered the lesson with my mother on plants. Later my dad had shown me his collection and I was fascinated by it. Closing the book I picked up the flower, turning it gently in my hands.

Carefully, I pinched one of the petals and firmly pulled it off. It made a small snapping sound and I placed the petal ony tongue. Goosebumps erupted across the skin, travelling down my neck and across my chest. I chewed the petal and it melted in my mouth, dissolving as I did. I tipped my head back and closed my eyes. The petal had been flavourless but the after taste was sweet, like I had had a spoon of sugar. Eventually the cold faded and I opened my eyes. I grabbed my satchel and carefully placed the rest of the blossom inside.

I moved over to sit on the edge of the bed and rolled up my trouser leg as high as it would go. I watched in fascination as the angry pink skin quickly faded to a lighter shade. I flexed my leg outwards and felt only the smallest bit of resistance. I stood up and slowly walked towards the door. The fiesta of the flower were powerful. The walk that had made me sweat this morning was now nothing. I would be home in no time.

I turned and picked up my robe, slipping into it. I relaxed as its comforting weight settled over me and tied it in the front. I tucked my spell book into the inner pocket and ran my hands down the fabric. Whoever she had taken it to had done a good job. I grabbed my satchel and slung it over my shoulder, I needed to get outside.

The house seemed quiet when I left my room, but you never could be too careful with werewolves. For such large creatures, they were notoriously light on their feet. I stepped outside for the first time in a week and sucked in a deep breath. A gentle breeze stirred my hair and I lifted my hood back over my head.

I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I had been waiting all week to get out of here and go home, but Kydas face kept popping up in my mind. The look on her face before she left my room, how defeated she looked. I huffed and adjusted the strap of my satchel and started slowly walking towards the forest. Maybe it would be best if I was to disappear right now, let her be.

As I waded through someone the longer grass, I heard laughter. Curious, I turned my head to see Kyda with a group of werewolves, half shifted and half not. She laughed loudly as she pushed off a smaller wolf, the pup rolling dramatically away. I felt a smile tug at my lips as I watched and before I realised what I was doing, I was walking towards her.

As I approached, I noticed some of the wolves backed off. They were whispering and eyeing me strangely. I ignored them and headed straight to Kyda. She was still seated in the grass, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"I guess the blossom worked," she said, looking me over.

I held out a hand for her and she hesitated. I waited until she finally placed her hand in mine. It was warm and soft and I let myself, for the first time since I met her, delight in the contact between us. I gripped her hand firmly and pulled her up to her feet.

"Come with me," I said.


"Come with me," I repeated, "come home with me."

"Ibhan, are you serious?" She asked "a few hours ago you were ready to leave, now you want me to go with?"

"I've seen your way of life, I want you to come and see mine. I want you to know me, before you let me go," I said and I saw hope rekindle in her eyes. I tapped in to her aura and it was vibrant, the edges of it shimmering with yellow.

"You really want me to come with you?" She asked, suddenly nervous. I was still holding her hand, and I squeezed it gently, feeling little sparks travel across my palm.

"Say yes, Kyda."

Goddammit Kyda, say yes!!!!!!!!!

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