8 - Recovery is a Bitch

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3 days passed and I stayed in the medic bay. They transfused more blood and fluids, while I stayed laid up in the bed. Kyda had come back with my bag and wand, and some spare clothes. My robe had apparently saved me from Matthews claws and she had sent it for repair work to the witches who helped them enchant their clothes.

She hung around my room quietly. She seemed on edge, but she insisted she was fine. Mostly she just sat in the chair and asked me if I needed anything. I wandered if it was guilt that kept her there. But either way, I couldn't deny that I felt better when she was around. The mate bond was becoming harder to ignore.

I was absently scrawling in the back of my spellbook when she came in on the fourth morning. She looked at it curiously but then quickly averted her gaze.

"They said you can get.out of here today, but you still need to give your leg another week of rest at least," she said and my shoulders sagged in relief.

"Thank the God's," I muttered, "I was going insane." She smiled, it was small but it was there, and another wave of relief washed over me. Stop worrying about her wellbeing.

"So, you still need a week of rest and the guest room at my house is available for as long as you need," she said, averting her eyes as she spoke. I was making her nervous, or was it the bond? I tried to focus on her aura but I was too tired to tune in.

"I'll take you up on that," I said and turned back to my little sketch. It was just of some of the flowers I had seen in the meadow but I liked to note down everything I saw.

"Are you drawing?" She asked, and I looked up to see her slowly stepping closer. I studied her for a moment, she was so reserved compared to when we had first met. I sighed and handed the spell book over.

"Don't break it," I warned, "it's just some sketches of the wildlife, I like to note down the new things and pictures help," I said as she traced a finger over the drawings.

"These are really good," she said with a grin, and I felt my lips twitch upwards at the sight of her smile. "Can I?" She asked, her finger sliding under the page. I nodded and she carefully turned the page over, studying each and every detail of the sketches.

After a few more moments, she handed the book back and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Why'd you attack Matthew?" She asked and I frowned.

"It wasn't obvious?"

"You can't answer my question with another question," she rolled her eyes and I leant back into the pillows I had amassed over the last few days.

"Because I didn't like his hair," I said and she scoffed.

"Be serious, I want to know."

"Why?" I asked and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"What did I say about answering with more questions?" She huffed and I smirked. I liked it when she was a little flustered.

"He insulted me, and then he just straight up pissed me off," I said and she nodded slowly, seeming to slip deep into her own thoughts. "Now can I know why?"

"Just wandering is all," she said and she stood up. "I'll be back in a bit to bring you over to my house, the doctors just want to give you one last check up," she said, slipping out of the door.

As promised, I was checked over once more before I was officially discharged. The bandage on my thigh had been replaced with a much thinner and more flexible dressing. The skin was still an angry pink but the nurse was satisfied with the progress and gave me extra bandages before she left. It wasn't long before Kyda arrived, a wheelchair in tow.

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