20 - Fist Fighting Felons

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Kydas POV

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Kydas POV

I shifted slightly in my seat, adjusting my line of sight to see as many of them as I could.

"Do you want proof?" I asked, trying to disfuse the electricity.

"Hm, no," she said, sitting back in her chair. I didn't say anything, giving her the opportunity to continue while a million ideas for escape flitted through my mind, each one failing eventually.

"why don't we go outside?" A man spoke from behind me, voice deep and strangely welcoming.

"I'm quiet alright," I said as I cocked my head to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of him but the shadows were thick.

"Oh, but I insist," he said, a hand appearing on my shoulder. My body tensed and I looked ahead. Over the woman's shoulder I caught the eyes of the guy who had served me. He nodded subtly at me and I took in a slow breath, forcing my body to relax.

"Alright, lets go," I said, standing up. The hand didn't move from my shoulder, and my instincts told me not to turn around. Not yet, anyway.

"Excellent," the woman in front of me said as she stood. Her robe swished delicately around her body, made of a silky material unlike Ibhan's. She lead the way out the coffee shop and I looked to the barista once more, but he quickly averted his eyes, busying himself with some cups behind the counter.

We stepped out into the darkness of the night and I sighed. Home court advantage. No one else was around, just me and the group that had me surrounded. There were few places to hide, and I didn't know where anything or anyone was. Homesickness, fear, and anger all broiled under my skin. I ached for the familiarity and safety of the pack, and I was angry at Matthew for causing the chain of events that lead me here. And Ibhan. A small part of me was angry at him too for being so insistent to leave, and for being so short with everyone else.

"Well, I think you ought to return home now," the woman said.

"I can't do that," I said as I shifted on my feet. The grip on my shoulder tightened briefly.

"You can return of your own free will," she said as she stepped towards me, almost toe to toe with me, "or we can force you out."

"I told you, respectfully, that is not an option. I have to find someone," I repeated and her eyes narrowed as her gaze shifted over my shoulder.

"Now, now, wolf, don't anger the boss," the voice of the hand said. I scoffed and shook off the hand, a little surprised at how easily it fell away. Was it a bluff or was I being lead into a trap? I looked to the figure it other than the fact that he was incredibly tall and broad, I couldn't see anything.

"Look, if you wont help me find my mate then please just leave me alone," I said and the lady smiled, a sickly sweet sight.

"What's his name?" she asked, clasping her hands together. Alarm bells rang loudly in my head again as I tightened the strap of my bag as subtly as I could.

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