3 - Stubbornness is stupid

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I begged my mind to calm down and to squash my feelings down. It was overwhelming, the mate attraction, I felt intoxicated by the presence of Ibhan. But he was stoic and sarcastic, I was quickly letting go of the possibility that he would be a romantic partner.

"This is the guest room, make yourself comfortable," I waved Ibhan into the room and he gave me a strange look as he stepped in.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Me?" I asked and scoffed, "there is nothing wrong with me."

"You have a weird look on your face," he said and sat on the bed. He undid the belt of his robe and shrugged it off of his shoulders. He was lean, unlike most of the men in the pack who were bulky and wide.

I looked away and cleared my throat as I caught myself staring. "Do you need something else to wear?"

"No, my tunic will do." I looked back and he carefully folded the heavy red cloak and placed it on the nightstand. Underneath he wore a black tunic shirt that came just above his knees, and loose black bottoms.

"Right. Can I get you anything else?" I asked and he sighed, rolling up his sleeves and pulling a long slender stick from a strap on his shoulder.

"No, I just want quiet."

"Is that your wand?" I asked, my eyes tracking the slender, black stick. There was something engraved in a dark grey along it, some kind of intricate design.

"Yes, it is. Can I sleep now?" I looked up at him and he spun the wand between his fingers before putting it by the pillow.

"Are you shy?"

"What?! No, I am not shy, wolf," he narrowed his eyes at me and I laughed and stepped out of the room.

"Goodnight, warlock." I shut the door before he could give any more sarcastic remarks and slipped into my room down the hall before my mother could find me.

"Ah, little sister, how nice of you to stop by," Kalina said with a grin.

"Don't you have to go home to your husband and kids?" I hissed and she laughed.

"Absolutely not, his mother is visiting her grandbabies so I am off the hook for a little while longer," she stretched and lay back across my bed.

I sighed and sat on the bed beside her. We shared a lot of features, my sister and I, but our personalities were very different. She was a gentle force, made for loving in warm ways, while I felt like I was always bubbling over with energy.

"Was it this way for you?" I asked and she sat up, letting me climb further up the bed.

"Like what?"

"It's suffocating," I started, "like, there's so much of him in one space that I can't get away from it, not that I want to. But I can feel his resistance."

She gave my a sympathetic smile and patted my thigh.

"He's not like us, Kyda, he's a warlock. You couldn't have found someone more different to a wolf than a warlock. But that doesn't mean it can't work, just give it time."

"You're right," I flopped back on the bed.

"I know," she said with a satisfied grin.

"Tell me about you and Mark."

"Well, it was easier for me," she said, laying beside me, "Mark is a wolf, so when we felt the mate attraction we knew what it meant and we both wanted it to work. It wasn't before long that we were spending most of our time together."

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