51 - Distance makes the werewolf antsy

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Ibhans POV

My heart was thundering in my chest, and I was all too aware that Kyda could hear it. But I didn't care. She had kissed me, and I had felt the world around me squeeze with a pressure that I thought would crush me, but it comforted me instead, grounded me, and I was dizzy with joy as I sat back, pulling Kyda up against me.

We stayed that way for a while, until her brothers came, her head on my shoulder, fingers intertwined. The smell of her hair was intoxicating and her body was warm and firm. She reluctantly slid off the bed as Remus came into the room with a wheelchair. He gave his sister a knowing look, but didn't say anything else on the matter.

"Ready to go?" Robin asked, appearing behind his older brother. I nodded and Kyda scooped up my bag before I had the chance to, and her brothers packed me into the wheelchair.

"Feels like we've been here before," I muttered, remembering the time Matthew had torn into my leg. That felt like eons ago.

"Let's not repeat it again, hm?" Kyda said as she walked ahead with Robin, pushing open doors as we left the medic centre.

I looked around the open fields, the sounds of wolves going about their normal tasks was everywhere, but my eyes always came back and settled on her. We were alive, and this was our chance to start over. We had a car this time, that took up back to their home, and I sat up front whilst Kyda and Robin clambered into the back. Remus drove in relative silence, though he would occasionally glare into the rear view mirror, and I wandered what him and his siblings were discussing over the pack link.

"Alright, lets go," Remus finally said as we pulled up outside of their house.

"I think I can make it in on my own," I said and Kyda rolled her eyes as she opened my door.

"Let me help you," she said, offering me a hand. I got up, and the burning in my abdomen was intense, that is, until Kyda wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling my other arm over her shoulders. "Lean on me," she said, looking up at me from under her arm. I felt a deep blush stain my face again and nodded, letting her take some of the weight as we headed inside.

"Oh, hey! You made it!" Riaz yelled as we walked in. Behind him, Eliza, Damien, and Imogen were dotted amongst Kalina and her kids.

"We did indeed," Kyda said, leading me over to a large armchair. She helped me get comfortable, giving me an extra cushion for support, before gently pushing back my hair as she left the room.

"You're so whipped," Riaz murmured, catching my gaze following her out of the room. I whacked his arm, hard as the wolves in the room laughed.

"They're werewolves, smartass, there's no secrets in here," I hissed and he joined the laughter. I would never be rid of the red again at this rate. Kyda returned a few moments later, and I did my best to look occupied by the conversation the others were having, but all my focus was caught as she sat on the arm rest of my chair, one arm draped over the back, the other in her lap. I looked up at her, and a she smiled down at me, her hand finding its way from the chair into my hair.

"How you doing?" she asked, and I cleared my throat as the feeling of her nails on her scalp overwhelmed my brain.

"I'm fine," I said and she raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, "I'm a little tired, but I'm okay," I said and she leant down, pressing her her lips to the top of my head.

"Have dinner, and we'll get you settled in your room," she said softly. It felt like my body moved on autopilot as my hand caught her chin, pulling her just a little lower, letting my lips brush over hers. I smiled against her lips as I gave her one more chaste kiss before letting go of her chin.

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