44 - Confession

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Kydas POV

Kalina woke me up the next day, giving me meds and food. I felt better having spent the night with her, feeling much more relaxed with the physical contact. Wrong person, though. I pushed aside the thoughts of Ibhan, deciding to focus on myself.

"I want to take a walk," I told Kalina and she looked at me, eyebrows raised.

"You sure you're ready for that?"

"Mhm," I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Dad is making waffles for breakfast," I told her before taking another breath, "and Anna next door is making eggs and bacon." She sniffed the air lightly to confirm and gave me a grin.

"I'm so glad your senses are coming back," she said, "hopefully, you'll be able to shift soon." I nodded and watched as she laid out some clothes for me before leaving me to change alone. My body was still a little stiff and tight, but the pain was coming down to an intense work out level rather than a 'fighting for my life' level.

I hobbled over to the door, letting my body slowly relax into the movements rather than forcing it. I sighed as I swung the door open, only to be met with the sight of the stairs. I grabbed on to the railing and slowly made my way down, working up a bit of a sweat.

"Oh hey," my dad called as he saw me round the bend, "you're up fast."

"Not fast enough," I hissed as I lowered myself into a chair. My muscles burned like I had been on a run. Kalina handed me a glass of water and I was tempted to just pour it over me to cool myself off.

"You're doing plenty," Kalina said. "I'll take you on your walk but then I have to be home for lunch, I have to get the kids before my husband gets ready for his night shift," she said to both me and my dad.

I nodded and scoffed down the waffles my dad made for me. My appetite was also returning, my stomach growling as it finally received a full meal. I waited for Kalina to help my dad tidy up before she offered me her arm to take before leading me out of the house.

"Oh, the outside," I hummed, turning my face upwards. Kalina laughed as she laced her arm through mine, walking me slowly through the field.

"Are you okay?" She asked after a few minutes and I shifted my focus to the little flowers blooming in the grass.

"Not exactly," I said, "but maybe I will be, eventually," I gave a little shrug and she laid her head on my shoulder, giving my arm a little squeeze.

"You will be," she said reassuringly.

"Think we can make it to Imogen's? I haven't seen her in forever," I said and Kalina nodded as we adjusted our walk a little into the woods so we could get to Imogen's cottage.

By the time we reached the flowering mass Imogen called a home I was tired, a little sweat pooling on my skin. I leant heavily on the door frame as Kalina knocked.

"Let yourself in!" Imogen called in a sing-song voice. Kalina grinned and pushed open the door, a warm wave of herbs and teas swarming out of the cottage. I leant on Kalina as she lead the way in.

"Flower pot!" I called and I heard a high pitched squeal as Imogen bounded down the hall towards me. Kalina stepped aside just as Imogen reached us, her outstretched arms wrapping around me in an instant and crushing me into her chest. I laughed as I got a face full of hair and sagged into her arms.

"Oh, you poor sweet thing, I've missed you so much," she said as she pulled me over to an armchair and sat me down. She crouched beside the chair and grabbed my hands, smiling widely as she took me in. "You look awful."

I laughed, tugging her up to sit beside me on the chair. "I know, but I feel good," I said.

"Let me get you some tea," she said as she slipped off the sofa. Kalina stepped into the room, tucking her phone away.

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