Welcome to the beginning of the end...

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First of all, thank you all for reading this far!!! Writing The Wand and the wolf was such a great experience, I was in love with this story from the day I had the idea and I'm so happy to have a full draft of it down!!!

Also, as I said at the start, this is going to be one book of many in several series taking place in Raynor, so yes, I'm not finished and we will see Kyda and Ibhan again (I love them too much to let them go), but for now I'm probably gonna take a little break, and do some planning. Since this was the first book, it was a free for all, but because some of the series later will have overlap I have to do a lot of back and forth with my ideas to make sure there's a little consistency to join them all together in one universe. I'll probably make a little page or two on this in my update book to better explain it.

I can't wait to share more of the Raynorverse with you all its going to be amazing!!!!

Back to this book, I'd love some honest feedback from you guys if you have a second. This was my first book with a heavy romance plot and it was fun to write but I can definitely see areas that need some work when I edit this but first I'd love to know how the story and the characters made you feel and if the idea of seeing Kyda and Ibhan some more excites you!!!

Thank you all so much for reading, every comment and vote means the absolute world to me and I'm so glad a lot of you seemed to enjoy this book as much as I did when I wrote it. I'll see you all soon,


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