45- two way street

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Kydas POV

I felt a little dizzy as I held on to Imogen, more for my self now than for her, as she apologised over and over again.

"Stop," I grabbed her by the shoulders and held her steady, "no more apologising, it's not your fault anyway," I told her and she nodded. I wiped away her tears and smoothed back her hair from her face. "Now, let's make a plan to find our mates, okay?" I said and she nodded again, her breath hitching a little.

Imogen filled me in on a few more details as I paced back and forth in the room. My skin felt like it was crawling with nervous energy.

"Can't you just sniff them out?" Imogen asked and I sighed.

"My senses are not strong enough yet, they're coming back but it's not enough," I pushed open a window, feeling a little suffocated as panic settled in.

"So we just get help from stronger wolves," she said, and I nodded.

"I'll call my siblings, some of the guard too," I said as I reached for my phone.

"I can try scrying," Imogen said as she rummaged through a draw for a bowl, filling it with water and setting it on the table. She sat before the bowl and I stepped out of the room to give her some space. I called Remus first and he answered with a lady greeting.

"What's happening, Kyda?" He asked and I swallowed hard, my hands feeling shaky as I held the phone to my ear. I sat down on a pillowy stool and wiped my sweaty hands on my thighs. "Kyda?" Remus prompted, sounding a little concerned now.

"Something is happening in the pack," I said quietly, fighting to keep my voice even.

"Kyda what are you saying?" he asked, and I could hear a few more voices in the background chiming in as my brother grew agitated. I gave him some of the details, the concealment spells and Imogen's visit to Ibhan and his friends.

"Remus, they're all missing now, the five of them just disappeared from the woods," I said, leaning against the walls. My legs had become jelly and my head was swimming with worst case scenarios.

"Stay there, okay? You're at Imogen's? I'm on my way," he said and he hung up as I made my way back to the kitchen to Imogen. She looked up from her bowl and I saw tears well in her eyes again.

"Hey, come here," she stood up this time and I hugged her close to me. She sniffed as she buried her face in the crook of my neck, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I was rubbing small circles on her back when I heard a rustle come from outside. I stilled and cocked my head, listening for it again. It was too soon for it to be Remus.

"Kyda?" Imogen whispered, noticing my stillness. I held a finger to my lips and she nodded, stepping towards her cabinet of pre mixed potions, she selected a few and pushed them into the pockets of her dress. I slowly walked over to the window, and I heard it again, this time accompanied by whispers.

I motioned for Imogen to come closer and she did, popping off the cap of one of her potions. I gestured to the bushes about 20 metres from her house and she nodded. We crouched down by the window, when I heard at the soft snapping of a branch come from the other side of the house. Imogen reached out and began pouring the sticky green liquid over the threshold of the garden door as I quietly made my way to the other side.

I slid the small hatch off of they keyhole and spied more rustling in the brush out front. I looked back to Imogen; my suspicions confirmed. We were surrounded. She pointed to the small cupboard by the door and I opened it, pulling out bats and a little belt with ornate throwing knives hooked inside. I threw her a bat and slung the belt around my waist before grabbing my own bat as we stood in the middle of the hallway, facing either side of the house.

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