7 - Claws are for Quick Kills

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I had never seen a warlock in action before. When Ibhan drew on the shadows, darkening the field, my breath caught in my throat. His powers were scary and brutal as he commanded shadows into a solid physical form. But when Matthew sunk his teeth into Ibhans thigh, I snapped out of my daze. The scream that echoed from Ibhans mouth seemed to squeeze around heart and throat, suffocating me. Ibhan thrust his hands upwards once more, and the shadows wrapped around Matthews body, throwing him aside like a ragdoll. His arms fell limp by his side and I was there in an instant.

"Hey, hey, hey, open your eyes, look at me," my words tumbled out of my mouth as I assessed the damage. The claw marks on the chest were shallow, his robe falling aside in tatters. The teeth marks in his thigh were deep, oozing blood as he lay there.

"Get the medics!" I yelled to the other wolves who were still stunned by what was happening. I looked up as I heard a low growl, Matthew climbing to his feet once more. Something in me snapped at the site of him and I snarled. My hands were covered in blood as I stood, stepping between Matthew and Ibhan.

"Stand down Matthew, or I'll finish what he started," I said as he paced in front of me. He was injured, limping even, but a scorned wolf was stubborn.

"Don't for a second think that he did this for you, he did it for himself," Matthews voice spoke in my mind. I scoffed and shook my head head.

"Don't be an ass Matthew, just get out of here," I said but he came closer.

"Let me finish him off, then we can move on," he reasoned.

"We can move on? Matthew, I don't ever want to see you again," I said and he finally tore his gaze away from Ibhan, another growl rumbling in his chest.

"I came back for you," he said, his voice sounding pained.

"I didn't ask you to do that," I said and he snarled, turning his attention to the medics who were trying to quickly evacuate Ibhan from the scene. "Don't you dare, Matthew I will come for you," I warned him. He shot me a glare before he took off after the medics.

"Damn you, Matthew!" I yelled as I ran after him, shifting mid run into my wolf form. My paws hit the dirt hard as I took of after him, slamming into his side with all of my weight to throw him off track. We rolled over in the dirt and he snapped his jaws at me, as a warning. I paced around him, not backing down from his challenge.

He tried to push past me and I growled, swiping at him with my claws. He made a hissing sound and backed up, but I could see his body tensing for another attempt. His time in the city had made him sloppy.

When he leapt, I was ready, springing up and pushing him aside. We tussled in the grass as he tried to get me off of him. Having had enough, I locked my jaw onto his neck, teeth digging in just enough to slow him down.

"Yield, Matthew, don't make me kill you," I said, giving him one last chance. He growled, swiping a paw at me and I stamped it down with my own, letting my claws dig in as far as they could. He whimpered and finally stopped struggling. I waited a few more moments before releasing his neck. I shifted back into my human form, still breathing heavily.

"You have one night in the southern medic bay," I said to him, calling for another team of medics, "tomorrow you go home." I stood up, assessing my won injuries. Nothing more than some scratches and bruises.

"Kyda!" Ameena jogged over to where I was, "Ibhan, he's in a bad way," she said and I immediately pushed past her, running towards to the medic bay. We had several of them over the pack and I had never been more grateful for that before now. Bursting through the door I located Ibhans room immediately. The smell of burnt lavender and metal filled the room.

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