47 - The Threat of Decapitation... again

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Kydas POV

I couldn't believe I was in this situation again, captured by warlocks, Mia specifically, one death row. Every muscle in my body was locked with tension until Mia stalked off, barking orders to some of the wardens. I looked over to the group and my heart twisted painfully.

"I'm so sorry," I said, "you're all here in this position because of me," I said and Eliza scoffed. She seemed nice, and like Ibhan she had the dark reservation most warlocks seemed to carry.

"We're here because our beloved monarch, powerful as she is, has no control over her guards and patrols and doesn't recognise the signs of the dark madness," she said and I frowned.

"The dark madness," Riaz jumped in, though his eyes shifted awkwardly to Ibhan and away, "is something that happens to warlocks who are forced to or practice shadow magic that they can't handle. It's not an exact science but it happens, and the person become deranged and usually violent..." he trailed off, swallowing hard.

"And sometimes they run off to the most dangerous area in the world where no one can find them," Ibhan said. He planted his feet on the floor and pushed himself up until he was standing. Bitterness seemed to roll off of him, as well as guilt.

"Do you have a plan?" Riaz asked as he followed suit, standing up with him.

"No," Ibhan said as he tugged on the chain. "I just want to get out of here and go home,"

I ignored the pang of pain that shot through me and looked to Imogen. She stood and swayed her hips a little and I heard the clinking of glass on glass. "I have potions," she said I stood, straining to see how far I could reach her. Even with our arms fully outstretched she was still too far.

"Do you remember what they were?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Some of them fell out and some I used but they didn't notice the other bottles so I didn't say anything," she said quietly, her large eyes scanning the darkness. The group of wardens that had been sitting by us all day had gone with Mia when she came, so we were relatively alone.

"It's fine, hold on to it until we can get out of these," I said.

"Any plans on how to do that?" Riaz asked, twisting around to face his shackles.

"Sheer force?" I offered, turning and around and pulling hard. The shadows held firm and I pulled again, harder this time. The pole itself rattled but the shadows didn't budge. "Shadow magic is still very much beyond my grasp," I admitted.

Ibhan made a small humming noise as he closed his eyes, his body going completely still. A moment later, shadows circled around him like tentacles and he opened his eyes. Across his skin, more shadows moved along the surface, fluid like water. I watched as the shadows pried at the shackles, like they were looking for weaknesses.

"Care to share the process?" Riaz asked.

"Wait," Ibhan said, brow furrowing as he squeezed his eyes together. I found myself holding my breath, hoping that whatever he was doing would work.

"Ibhan, we have company," Eliza murmured from her spot at the end of their row, looking back at the camp. Some of the wardens were returning, probably having realised they left us unsupervised.

"Wait," he said, teeth gritted as he focused. I could see the beads of sweat on his face. He gasped then suddenly, eyes opening and shadows swarming across every inch of his skin as he pulled hard, the shackles dissolving. He fell to his knees but quickly scrambled up.

"Quick!" Riaz whispered as Ibhan reached for him first. The wardens hadn't noticed what was happening yet under the cover of darkness, but the distance was quickly closing.

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