46 - Rage and Fury

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Ibhans POV

I felt the pressure on my chest lift as I looked up to see Kyda, standing there, heavy with chains. I felt my anger spike as I noticed the scrapes and bruises across her skin. I did not bring her all this way for them to get their hands on her again.

"Ibhan," she said softly and my stomach flipped at the sound of my name from her mouth. Before I could say anything another warden walked over, eyeing us coldly.

"What do we have here?" The warden asked and I looked away from him, focusing on Kyda. Next to me, I realised Riaz was transfixed by the sight of Imogen, who had turned a deep shade of pink. "Oh, is this your Light?" The warden asked me with a grin as he gripped Kydas jaw.

Kyda flashed her fangs at the warden and he pulled his hand back. We were interrupted again as Mia made her way over, clapping her hands together. I saw panic flash across Kydas face and she jolted back and rage boiled under my skin as I watched Mia invade her space.

"Get back," I warned, but Mia only shot me a dirty look.

"I don't take orders from you," she hissed, turning back to Kyda, "quiet an irritating one you have, you should have let him leave you." Kyda sucked in a deep breath, her whole body tense as she tracked Mia. "Look at all the trouble he's gotten you into," Mia continued.

"It was worth it," Kyda said, dragging her eyes away from Mia and meeting my gaze, "I would do it again if I had to." She looked back to Mia who sneered menacingly.

"Cut the bullshit, you almost died, and for what? A warlock who could never truly love you? You know about his family, right?" She asked, stepping closer to Kyda, barely an inch of space between them.

"There's nothing you could say to make me run," Lyda told her but Mia pressed on.

"His father was borderline psychotic, a killing machine. They say he beat his older brother and that's what drove him insane. Some say he let him loose in the valley himself, that it was a test to see if he was worthy," she turned to me and carried on, "they say your mate her also went through the test, and he came out of the valley alive but filled with darkness. Some say maybe he killed his brother and the valley story is just a cover up—"

"That's enough," I yelled, I wanted to bury her head on the dirt so I could block out her voice, but my hands were secured within shields. "Do not speak of my brother again, or I will kill you like I did your Light."

I saw tears prick at the corners of her eyes as I brang up his death again. I looked to Kyda who was looking at me bewildered.

"You killed Nathaniel?" She asked and I sagged forward on my knees.

"It was far more merciful than what I would have done to him had I kept him alive," I told her and a moment later, Mia's hand came down across my face, the slap leaving a sharp sting.

"How dare you!" She screeched, grabbing a fistful of my shirt and pulling me up.

"Just admit it, Mia, you were given a task but you failed and now you want to pin it on Kyda anyway, try to get back some respect, when the real culprit is still on the loose with the relic," she slapped me again but I lifted my head to meet her inferno again. "Admit it."

"I can't wait to kill you," she said as she pushed me back down. "Tie the wolf opposite him, let them simmer in some distance from each other," she said and Kyda was tied to a pole across from me. As she sat down her body immediately crumpled back against the pole, and I realised how laboured her breathing was. Imogen was tied next to her, and she looked over the group with concern.

"I'm so sorry," Imogen sobbed, "this is all my fault."

"Hey, none of that," Riaz said gently, "we're all adults here, we wanted to help you."

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