14 - Run, rabbit, Run

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There was an outburst of energy from my parents, but a few steps forward from the Royal guard and they backed down.

"Kyda, please," my dad said once again.

"Don't you care that I already feel like my world is ending?" I asked, tired of his selfishness.

"I care about you, Kyda," he said and I held up a hand.

"Then let me do this," I said. He met my gaze and we were quiet for a long moment. Finally, he sighed and sat back.

"I don't like this one bit," he grumbled.

"You don't have to," I reassured him and I turned back to Demeter. "Thank you, sir," I said and held out my arm. He grasped forearm and squeezed gently.

"Go quickly now, you must try and catch him before he crosses the sea. Once he does, you will have to cross into the uncharted territory of Ravenvein on your own," he warned and I nodded. He nodded his head to my parents and headed for the door.

"Oh and Kyda," he called as I stood up.


"Do not trust the other warlocks, the peace is not as strong as it seems," he said, a loaded look passing between us before his guards escorted him out of our home.

Kalina was by my side in an instant as we ran up the stairs. She grabbed the convertible duffle bags and we began filling them with supplies. The duffle bags could convert into a saddle style bag for easy carrying in wolf form. I pulled out some light clothing, extra shoes and paused for a moment.

"Kalina, what am I doing?"

"Girl, do not freak out on me now, we got shit to do!" She tossed a pair of socks at me as she burrowed through my drawers.

"No, I mean it, what am I actually doing?" I repeated and she sighed, facing me with her hands on her hips.

"You heard Demeter, you're going to Ravenvein," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"I know but the furthest Ive been away from home is that one trip to the Royal Courts when I graduated last year. You want me to cross the sea to Ravenvein alone?" I asked and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I could go with you," Remus said from the doorway. He held a small book in his hands and he flipped it open to some maps. "Travellers guide, a merchant left it behind, might do you some good."

"Thanks," I said taking the book from him, "but I can't take you away from here," I said and he smiled, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I know, but I had to offer," he said and I hugged him tightly. "You got this, Kyda, you're a kick ass fighter and you have enough braincells in you to not get too lost." I swatted at his arm at the sight of his smug grin and packed the book into the bag.

"I got snacks!" Robin yelled as he burst into my room, little baggies of food piled up in his arms. I felt my chest squeeze at the sight of my little brother willing to help me in any way as he sorted the snacks with Kalina.

"What if he's changed his mind?" I asked and Kalina shook her head.

"It wasn't a mistake when he asked you to go with, he's not the type to do things on a whim. He wanted to take you with, Kyda, he wants to at least try," she reminded me and I thanked the God's for giving me such a rational sibling.

Within 10 minutes I was packed and ready to leave. I took in a long breath, a sharp pain shooting through my chest as I thought about my little quest. Find Ibhan, make it work. That was all I had to do. Remus picked up the bag, taking it downstairs for me as I locked myself in the bathroom. I splashed cool water on my face and closed my eyes. I could do this.

"He's not getting any closer, Kyda, come on!" Kalina yelled, shattering my moment.

"Can't I get a single minute to think in this house?"

"Um, excuse you, its not my mate running cross country as we speak, is it?" She snapped as I opened the door.

"You make me crazy," I told her as I hugged her close.

"You make me insane," she said, her face turning serious for a moment. "Make peace before you go," she said and I sighed but nodded.

I trailed down the stairs and back to the kitchen. My parents were still seated at the dining table, quiet and solemn.

"Hey, so, I'm ready to go," I said and my my mum stood up, wrapping me up in her arms in a flash. I held on tightly to her as tears threatened to choke me. I had never had a moment of tension with my parents, but the events of yesterday had me at breaking point.

"You be safe now, alright?" She said softly, her hand resting on my cheek. I nodded as she kissed my face and stepped back. My dad still sat at the table, staring down at his lap. I sat next to him and slipped my hand into his.

"I can't go if you don't say goodbye," I said quietly and I felt a tremble roll through his body.

"I'm so sorry," he said and I looked up to see tears forming in his eyes.

"I know," I said with a small smile, and he sighed heavily.

"Don't go getting into any unnecessary trouble, you hear?" He said, pulling me in to kiss the top of my head.

"I hear you," I said, squeezing his hand tightly before letting go. I had no idea how long I would be away.

"Go on, get out of here before it's too dark," he said and I nodded, heading for the door. As I stepped put I shifted into my wolf form. Remus laid the saddle bag over my back and squaated in front of me.

"Kick ass, little sister," he grinned and ruffled my hair. I snapped playfully at his hand and he held up his hands in surrender, stepping back. I looked back once more at my family before I took off running for the forest.

Remus had briefly explained that I had to make a beeline through the Heavenly Thicket and the field of the fae until I hit Embergrave. From there I could head to the ports in Glass town or up to Bellrose City for passage through the seas. I had never been on a boat before, and I was certainly not too excited to make this my first trip.

I kept a steady pace as I reached the woods, not wanting to tire myself out too quickly. I needed to be out of the trees by nightfall, getting caught in the Heavenly thicket after dark was also very low on the list of things I was willing to experience. I ducked and weaved through the branches as they swung at me. I had no time to waste, an entire day had gone by already and I had no idea how far ahead Ibhan was, not too mention he was probably more familiar with the rest of Raynor than I was.

Soon, I reached a small clearing, and I decided to take a quick break before continuing on. I had breached the line between the pack and the thicket, the distinct smell of magic more heavy in the air. I was careful around any mushroom rings, finding a plain patch of grass to stretch out. I shifted back into my skin, grabbing a bottle of water from my bag.

"You got this, Kyda, you can do anything," I said to myself, trying to hype myself up as I looked around the forest. I as a guardian, graduated top of my class. Werewolves all over the pack trusted me to train their children. My family had faith in me. I could do anything.

I put the bottle away, too nervous to snack, and shifted back into my fur. I felt the shift in my senses as I did, my nose leading more than my eyes, as I picked up my pace again. I took long, leaping strides over the ground, racing against the sun to the edge of the forest. I ignored the hushed whispers and giggles in the trees, signs of the fae and their mischief. Giving them any kind of attention at all would be an invitation for trouble that I didn't have time for.

Darkness was quickly setting in as I reached the final stretch of the Heavenly thicket. I slowed down as I reached the clearing. There was no going back now. Once I was over those mountains, I would be in new territory. And I would be all alone.

So I accidentally unpublished this for a few days because I published it on my laptop and edited it on my phone and wattpad does not like to be used across devices 😅😅 but here it is again

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