Chapter 40

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Jessica enjoyed her time with Penny, so much so, that she had even arranged to come back again, and bring their friend Chiara with her too. While Jessica was a quiet person during her days at Hogwarts School, the three girls were quiet together. Although after a few silly sleepovers they became really giggly.

Penny found Archie to be the most adorable little baby she had ever seen, she couldn't wait for Chiara to see Archie for herself. Penny could see that Jessica was happy with Charlie, he made her feel stronger and want to better herself.

December 12th had arrived, Charlie wasn't going home for his birthday this year, as he had two new animals coming to the sanctuary. Two Melo Squirrels Charlie had never worked with them before, he was incredibly excited to work with them, study them all he knew about them was that they had a very gentle nature.

Jessica crept out of bed, trying to not wake Charlie, Jessica lifted Archie out of his crib. She placed Archie down on the bed, next to Charlie, Archie push himself up on Charlie, which woke him up to the sweet smile of their little boy. Jessica hopped on the bed next to them.

"Happy Birthday, Daddy," Jessica said, lifting Archie up a little bit further.

"Thank you, darling," Charlie said, kissing her cheek.

"What's the plans for today?" Jessica asked

"Well, I think the Melo Squirrels are being transferred today, you and Archie and come with me, they're supposedly sweet nature,"

"Supposedly? You don't know,"

"Not for definite, but they won't be any danger," Jessica nodded, knowing Charlie wouldn't put her or Archie in danger.

Once Charlie had received word from Mrs Winters of the Melo Squirrels arrival, he quickly got dressed hurrying to the holding pen. Where he could meet the little creatures, they were brightly coloured, a blue-greenish colour with a pink stripe starting at its head, right down to the tip of its long bushy tail.

They were a similar size to regular squirrels. Except their face were thinner with a longer snout, as well as pointed ears. As Charlie entered the holding pen, they scurried away up into a tree, the fur changed colour to help them camouflage in the trees.

Charlie sat down on the floor, leaving a few nuts and vegetables on the floor near him hoping to entice them down. Jessica approached with Archie in her arms, she looked around not being able to see the Melo Squirrels. Charlie gestured for Jessica to hand Archie over to him, she was hesitant but handed him over to Charlie.

Charlie sat down on the floor again, immediately upon seeing Archie the two Squirrels hurried down the tree turning back to the normal colour. They rested the tiny front paws on Charlie's leg, stretching up to sniff Archie, Archie laughed and clapped his hands at them.

"He likes them," Jessica said, smiling at Archie,

"Yeah, he does," Charlie smiled at Jessica, "No, no we don't touch them," Charlie grabbed Archie's hand to stop him from petting them.

"Not yet anyway," Charlie noticed Jessica's smile fall "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just I read that children, learn fears from their parents, I don't want Archie to be frightened of Animals like I am," Jessica admitted

"You aren't as bad as you use to be, and don't worry about Archie with the right interactions, he'll be fine,", she nodded


Two weeks had gone by and Christmas day had arrived, Jessica so excited for Archie's first Christmas, her dad had sent them loads of toys for Archie to play with as well as Molly knitting many jumpers, cardigans and babygrows for him.

Jessica had more presents under the tree than she thought she would, most of addressed from Charlie's parents or siblings. Jessica had a perfume gifted to her by her father, Molly had given Jessica a red jumper, with a blue 'J' in the centre.

Charlie had an identical jumper except his were a blue jumper, with a red 'C' in the centre. Jessica got the feeling he got a jumper every Christmas, as he opened the present like he knew exactly what it was. Even Archie had received a babygrow, with an 'A' in the centre too.

"These jumpers are so cute,"

"I have over twenty of them," Charlie said, "mum gives us one every year,"

"That sweet, like a family tradition?"

"Yeah, we all get one," Charlie told her, "does your family have any Christmas traditions,"

"We usually go to a fair in my hometown, they do one every Christmas, my dad loved going when he was a young boy, he always took me, when I was little,"

Charlie loved the idea of going to a fairground for Christmas, though he felt bad that Jessica couldn't go that with her father. He knew Jessica's birthday was in a month, he had planned a surprise for Jessica, a trip back home to see her family.

He figured Jessica would enjoy that rather than staying at the Sanctuary all the time, or with his family as much as he knew Jessica loved them. He wanted Jessica to be able to spend time with her own family and for them to be in Archie's life too.

Charlie knew how much Jessica loved seen her cousin at Hogwarts, all she could talk about was her trip to Hogsmead with Katherine. How much she enjoyed shopping with her, helping her find a dress for the Yule Ball. While Jessica was asleep he wrote a letter to Mr Harper, explaining his plan, hoping he could help, telling the rest of her family.

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