Chapter 37- Saying goodbye...

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Chapter 37

Mei-Xing’s POV


I reached out to hold Snow in my arms. I picked him up from the sidewalk and cradled him against my chest.

“Yah Snow... wake up. Please wake up... wake up.” I pleaded as Snow was still showing no sign of life.

My tears fell onto his beautiful white fur. “Wake up... Jebal(please)...Qǐng(please)Snow.

I hugged Snow more tightly against my chest. “Snow wake up... please.”

I was now crying out of my will. “Wake wolfie. Snow, jebal... jebal.”

“Mei-Xing Snow is-”

“Aniyo! He is NOT DEAD!” I shouted at Suho. My voice mixed with despair and anger.

I buried my face into Snow’s fur and pleaded a few more times for him to wake up. “Snow, you promised me that you will never leave me, you promised Chunhua jie-jie that you would be my friend forever, please Snow... wake up.”

“Mei-Xing I-”

“Just shut up Baekhyun! Just. Shut. Up!” I screamed.

“...I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean-” Baekhyun’s voice faltered as he spoke. I could hear by his footsteps that he was walking closer to me.

“Stay away from me!” I shouted at Baekhyun. I got up from the ground and moved further away from him. Further away from all of them...

Luhan was also about to walk closer to me before he was suddenly faced by a brown and white furred werewolf. The wolf growled and stood on an all-four threatening stance. One wrong move and he will pounce on any of them who dare come near me.

“Daehyun?” I uttered the name of the werewolf.

The wolf seemed reluctant to turn around but eventually did. The wolf came closer to me and I watched as how the wolf’s limbs and shoulder muscles were contracting so consistently. He looked fierce...

It was obvious that Daehyun is indeed incredibly strong in wolf form. I wonder why he came alone...

Daehyun nuzzled the wolf in my arms and he let out a low growl. Daehyun turned around quickly and bared his wolf canines at Luhan and Baekhyun who were in the closest distance.

Despite Daehyun being in wolf form, Baekhyun took the risk of stepping forward towards me but he got stopped by Luhan.

Suddenly I heard Baekhyun chuckling. “Oh let me guess... You want me to stay away from Mei-Xing too? Speak for yourself Luhan!” Baekhyun shouted out.

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