Chapter 1- Mei-Xing

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Chapter 1

The village illuminated the night sky with its piercing orange glows of endless fire, rising and spreading and destroying everything in its path.

Smoke filled the air, making it difficult to breathe.

And along with it came the stench of blood.

Ungodly screams, endless cries, and desperate pleas echoed throughout the distance.

There was the sound of metal against metal, as swords met in battle.

The sound of skin being torn could be heard, after fangs had bitten deep down into its victim.

"Where is she?!" I heard them demand.

No one answered.

No one dared.

They sacrificed their life, just as I would too- for her.

It was an unexpected attack that barely started an hour ago, whereby not even the gifted guardians of the village expected an attack to occur that specific night.

The enemy waited for the people in the village to be fast asleep before they secretly infiltrated, attacking the villagers off guard.

It still puzzles me how they found the village, considering that it was situated in a deep abandoned forest on a tiny island- filled with tall trees, wide lakes and deadly predators. It is even protected by powerful spells casted by the greatest of witches and wises of wizards.

"I...must...hurry..." I panted as I ran into the woods.

These cowards couldn't even fight us face to face but instead they attacked on the night when less people were on duty to guard the village, which meant that their power and strength is much weaker than that of our village- But then again, they were large in numbers.

It was now really late in the evening, probably a few minutes before the hour of midnight.

I could barely see the direction in which I'm running towards to- resulting in my arms, legs and also my face getting scratched by tree branches as I carelessly ran and ran.

I wish I could just push the tree branches out of my sight, but you see... I can't do that while carrying a four week old baby girl in my arms, now can I?

I finally made it close to the mountain top where I witnessed the scene of my entire village being set on fire.

My home...

I was trying to be careful and stood in the dark shadows of the trees trying my best to blend in.

I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs, but I just couldn't because I might give my location away. I felt a hole in my chest as tears were gushing out of my eyes like a waterfall.

Just then, I lowered myself against the bark of the tree and stared at nothing in particular with teary eyes as the sight was too unbearable to witness and the agony in my heart was too hurtful to bear.

"Where is she?" They demanded to know.

The first to sacrifice their lives were the children, none of them were older than twelve years of age.

The children wore brave faces. Their hands were trembling in fear. Hand in hand they stood, they were the children of Guardians, the last generation.

"We are Guardians. Protectors and Martyrs of creations, we do not fear you." The children all said in unison.

I could hear the screams of the parents as they witnessed their children being killed in front of them.

The enemy turned towards the parents.

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