Chapter 3- Protection Ring

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Chapter 3

~Chunhua’s POV~

I feel tired... drained... weak... powerless...hopeless and most of all... I feel destined for failure.

Still on that very same snowy day. I had spent almost my entire afternoon preparing what was needed to be done before I leave this world to join my beloved ancestors in the hereafter.

Everything was now ready, the pentagram was drawn and all I had to do was to say the spell. I placed my moon-shaped ring that once helped me when I needed it and now I’m hoping that the ring would help me at the time that I need it the most, the ring was now elegantly placed in the centre of the pentagram and I was standing in the centre of the lounge and began chanting my final spell.

By the power that be I ask,

Listen to me. I bring you my ring

and ask for the gift of protection,

wisdom, strength and honour.

I say this to the power of thee.

So I will it be and it harm none,

Let it be.

The spell was now completed and everything seemed normal at first. There was no sign of another living presence within the room. Not that I was actually expecting something to happen but I just couldn’t help but feel disappointed thinking, “ Could it be that my last hope might be in vain?”

Tears were tempted to start welling up from my eyes but no tears seem to be coming, perhaps I was just feeling worried that’s all.

The spell had really taken a tremendous amount of my energy and I could barely stand properly after completing my enchantment. Suddenly... a cold motion filled the room which almost caused the fire in the chimney to black out.

“Well...that was fast,” I spoke up before turning around to witness the guest who flew swiftly into my cabin,“ I expected that my spell would be answered in a few days at the least.”

“Annyeonghaseyo Chunhua,” greeted a tall figure that stood at the end of the room, “Truth be told, I actually expected that you would have called for help alot sooner ... yeodongsaeng ( younger sister)

Joong-ki stepped away from the window where he was admiring the scenery of the falling snow. He came towards me really slowly; our distance was becoming shorter at each step that he took. He grabbed me in his arms and gave me a yearning embrace, “ I missed you Chunhua,” He spoke as he gripped his hug around  me more tighter almost choking the air out of my lungs. He was fully aware of my current weak state but he still held tightly onto me almost hurting me.

“I missed you too o-oppa,” I replied back to Joong-ki and returned the hug softly back to my brother. Tears that seemed to have dried up years ago now came gushing out as I finally realised how much I missed him, needed him and even though we got separated due to past reasons and it was necessary, especially for him to be separated from me.

After all this time... I never stopped loving my brother. I could have never called for him earlier because you see... this spell was made especially for me and could only be used once in a lifetime, by using this spell and using it to summon Joong-ki, meant that this next few days were going to be my last...

“O-oppa (older brother),” I tried to speak but my voice was barely audible because of my sobs. “ Mianhae for leaving, for not seeking help earlier... I thought... I thought...” I released my hug from him and turned around so that my back was now facing him, I used my trembling hands to wipe away the tears that were escaping uncontrollably.

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