Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

"Stupid." Mei-Xing cursed, stomping down the corridors, taking random left and right turns not caring where she went as long as it was away from Kris.

Not a moment went by that Mei-Xing did not think of a way to get back at him, or more so to get rid of him entirely.

To think that during the time of their car ride Mei-Xing actually thought that he was a down to earth type of person, but no, he was more like a ima drive you crazy and make your life hell kinda guy.

Will it really take a miracle to even have a decent conversation with him without him being so annoying? Agh...

"Stupid." Mei-Xing repeated.

Mei-Xing heard voices coming from afar, possibly from other vampire students on their way to their evening classes.

She quickly hid behind a wall.

Good work genius, they are vampires; they can smell your blood... thought Mei-Xing.

But that thought was simply thrown out the window as it brought her back to the thought of what Kris said.

How disgusting and embarrassing... she thought.

When the sight was all clear, Mei-Xing made a run for the stairs, and halted as soon as she reached the top.

There was a door - A really old wooden looking door.

Mei-Xing knew she shouldn't open it, but the handle of the door was so captivating, it wasn't even locked.

"Mei-Xing, where are you?!" Kris's voice could be heard from somewhere on the lower floor.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I had not even realised that what I said was embarrassing." He said, sounding very close. "Look, I'll even make it up to you. I promise." he said, sounding as if he was just about to take the corner that would lead him to the stairs where Mei-Xing could be seen standing.

Mei-Xing hesitated no further. She fully opened the door and entered. The door shut closed with a loud bang, and then she quickly locked it with the wooden shift.

When it was locked she quickly pressed her back against it.

I'm sorry Kris, I just need to be alone for a while... she thought as she sighed and rested her head against the door.

But then the next thing happened.

The fortunate news was that Mei-Xing managed to disappear from Kris.

The unfortunate news however was that the door also seemed to have disappeared from Mei-Xing.

"No...No no no!" Mei-Xing panicked and began to hit against the space as to where the door should have been. All that could be seen were bricks, solid bricks that were all different shapes and sizes, Mei-Xing concluded that this wall must belong to the oldest part in the castle.

She began patting the wall, hoping that it will somehow re-appear if she kept knocking on the claret bricks.

Mei-Xing sighed. She does not know when or even if the door will re-appear, all she knew was that she had to find another way to get out of there.

Speaking of 'there', Mei-Xing slowly turned to look around to look for clues as to figure out where the hell she actually is.

And when she did, she trembled.

At her feet, the floor was moist and covered by only cold dark stone, and concrete. It had no red carpet unlike the other parts of the castle Mei-Xing has come across.

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