Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

_Luhan's House_03:00am_

Dried leaves and sand caked their way across the planks of the front porch of Luhan's own house. He had neglected this place for weeks, so now the place perfectly resembles that of something that came straight out of a haunted movie.

Luhan had his hand on his chest. The burning sensation that he had felt for nearly a month now had still not pass. It hurt so much that Luhan was close to ripping his heart out if it meant he would no longer be able to feel the pain.

Luhan's mow of his jacket hooked on a chain that dangled around his neck. As he looked at the necklace piece his grandmother had given him, he was reminded of something important that she said to him. Something that Luhan should have known would be the cause of him having to endure an entire month's end of suffering.

"Now that Yien is gone. You, Luhan, are the new Alpha." Grandma Yifei had said.

Luhan huffed.

"How can I be an Alpha when I can't even shift?" Luhan said frustrated.

Luhan sat on the stairs of his front porch. He wanted to be alone... but of course, Hwanhee and Taemin just would not give him the chance.

"Yet." Hwanhee suddenly appeared next to Luhan. "You mean you can't shift 'yet'." Hwanhee corrected and made bunny ears.

"Stop being so dramatic Luhan." Taemin shook his head at him as he stood leaning over the rail.

"Whatever." Luhan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his legs that he pulled up against his chest.

Hwanhee mimicked Luhan's sitting position on the porch. "I suppose that the transition of waking up your wolf side is not as easy as just you merely looking up at the sight of a new full moon. You need to consider the other factor such as the scorpion trait being in the way. You need to accept that it is not going to be easy, and that when it happens, you have to try and control yourself as much as you can. Because if you don't, you won't just be a danger to others, but a danger to yourself as well."

Luhan just sighed in agreement. "I hate it when you are right."

Hwanhee huffed proudly. "Which is all the time."

Taemin made a judging face. Luhan did not even want to reply. He was so done with Hwanhee. Done.

"What book are you hiding?" Luhan asked Hwanhee, for the sake of his sanity he had to distract himself.

Hwanhee hesitantly lifted the Red Book that he had hidden inside his coat. The golden title and its locket standing out brightly against the bloody coloured velvet material. Hwanhee gently placed the book on Luhan's lap. "See for yourself."

Luhan opened the book slowly. At first he was confused as the pages appeared blank. But slowly, there were tiny letters and numbers slowly appearing in heavy gold ink. Luhan's eyes scanned the book's golden content, the names and dates lining each other side by side. Luhan's eyes focused on the very few names within the book.

Seven he found suspicious.

Two he recognised.

Nine he did not recognise at all.

Only eighteen names. Eleven with dates...and seven without.

"Kim Taeyeon. Yoo Youngjae." Luhan read out loud and trailed his fingers across the page to see the dates written next to them. "Next to them are the dates they... died?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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