Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

Mei-Xing had difficulty sleeping that night.

She had her knees pulled to her chest, and her eyes wide open as she stared at Snow's sleeping body at the end of her bed.

She wished those screenings and tests were wrong, but they were not. There were definite cell patterns that pointed out Snow was a werewolf, and not a regular wolf.

Mei-Xing fisted her hands in her hair. The signs were all there, how she could have not noticed it sooner.

Mei-Xing remembered her first day at SFA, the first day where it all began with Snow's odd behaviour.

Snow had questionable strength.

"Snow! How could you push me like that? And look, you destroyed the cake that Baekhyun brought me." Mei-Xing narrowed her eyes at Snow.

Snow had questionable temper.

"His growl is scary." said Chanyeol when he first met Snow.

"Is he always like this?" D.O asked as he pointed to the tiny wolf that looked like he was going to tear them all apart aside from Mei-Xing.

"I don't know." Mei-Xing replied. "Its like whenever he gets closer to vampires he just starts growling and becomes all grumpy."

Snow's questionable fast healing.

Mei-Xing was worried to have noticed that Snow had blood dripping at the corners of his mouth. Mei-Xing called Daehyun over to stop by later in the day.

"Is it possible for a werewolf to heal just another regular wolf?" Mei-Xing asked Daehyun.

"Yes it is possible, but it would take a lot of time to heal properly. I mean, healing between a werewolf and another werewolf can heal a wound almost instantly." said Daehyun.

"It is amazing that Snow healed instantly." said Daehyun as he leaned down and ruffled Snow's fur.

Snow had an impressive growl and howl.

Taeyong could not even begin to fathom his words. "You should have seen him in class, Mei-Xing." Taeyong looked at Snow with such fear in his eyes. "His eyes were dangerously blue, he howled to a frequency that made my nose bleed. And before I could stop him, he began tearing the first thing he saw."

And last but not least, Snow's questionable eating habits.

Snow patted Mei-Xing's foot. She looked down to see him scooting over an empty large bowl. He seemed to be asking for more food. She fed him, but a few minutes later, Snow came back again.

Mei-Xing sighed. "You know, for a tiny little wolf, you sure do eat a lot."

Mei-Xing felt sad because she could not accept that her first friend, Snow- the one who she thought she could trust more than anyone else because he was just simply a wolf she found in the woods, and he did not possess the qualities to betray her in any way.

But looking at him now... She did not even know who he really is, and what he was capable of.

All of this thinking made Mei-Xing so tired and worn. She drifted into a deep sleep. And as always, Mei-Xing had a dream that soon turned into a nightmare.

In the dream...

Mei-Xing felt cold, really cold.

She looked down at her hands, they were shaking and they looked almost see through – like that of a ghost.

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