Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

_SFA_ Mei-Xing's home_

The front door was locked. The windows were locked. The blinds were shut closed. The lights were put out. The bedroom door was locked. The patio doors were locked. The bedroom curtains were drawn. The bathroom door was locked. Snow was locked out of it too.

Standing all alone in front of her bathroom mirror, Mei-Xing stood with her arms protectively over her naked body.

Its once fair and unmarked surface was now tainted and scarred with awful marks that appeared out of nowhere. Down the arch of her back, that began as nothing but a thin red wound line that ran from her neck down to her torso... was now horridly different.

It scared her.

It was no longer a simple red scar line, it was now black- like ink. And along the original line, thicker lines stretched out, with smaller lines branching out like leafless branches of a very thin tree. It did not just end there, the marks seemed to be growing diagonally, growing down her left arm, and down the thighs of her right leg. From the front, the trails were growing up her neck, and she was forced to wear a polar neck sweater to avoid anyone seeing the marks.

Mei-Xing was scared of what was becoming of her body. She did not know why it was happening, and neither did she know how it was actually happening.

She did not tell anyone.

She could not tell anyone.

These past few weeks have been tough and confusing. Jaejoong sensei had stopped with his 'tasks' during Elementricks class and had been secretly teaching her to recite out of an old spell casters book that was handed to him by Professor Changmin. She did not understand why she had to recite anything out loud or why she would even have any purpose for it- simply because she was not a witch and she had no intention on involving herself with dark magic. And even if she was, reciting magical phrases was not allowed until the removal of the Dome placed on SFA. So what exactly was Jaejoong sensei trying to do?

And whenever she asked, his reply would always be. "You'll see."

Mei-Xing sighed heavily.

Mei-Xing picked up her robe from the floor and wrapped it around her naked body. She walked over to the basin and washed her face, ridding herself of any tiredness.

Mei-Xing sighed heavily once again.

Just when she was about to leave the bathroom, the light went off and she was surrounded by darkness.

Mei-Xing breathing quickened again when the bathroom light went back on, and it began to flicker- on and off, on and off.

Mei-Xing gulped.

For a moment, she felt a sense of coldness envelope her body.

For a moment, she could not see herself in the mirror.

For a moment, she saw herself as something else.

And then... everything became quiet.

The sound of fluttering was heard. Mei-Xing looked up slowly and saw a white moth fluttering in circles below the bathroom light.

"How did that get in?" thought Mei-Xing.

Slowly...the moth flew down.

Mei-Xing raised her hand, the white moth rested upon her index finger

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Mei-Xing raised her hand, the white moth rested upon her index finger. Its wings opening and closing slowly.

Mei-Xing slowly brought the moth closer to her eyes, its wings still opening and closing. When her eyes caught the sight of the black glossy ones of the moth...the moth slowly began to ash.

Mei-Xing took in a sharp breath of air for what was happening.

Its wings became tattered and no longer opened and closed. Its antenna's bent. The whiteness of its exterior became a dark grey. The moth looked frozen, dead and lifeless.

Mei-Xing could feel something unsettling forming within herself. She could feel that what happened to the moth was something that she caused herself. She felt a little guilty, and wanted to take back what happened.

Mei-Xing was not sure if it would work, or if it would make any sense, but she found herself reciting the words that she was taught to recite and memorise.

"Vai ha." Mei-Xing whispered.

Nothing happened.

"La hutus saqar?" Mei-Xing tried.

"Orior." She said with a glare.

Nothing happened.

"Ta alm?" she tried.

Nothing happened.

"Ka." she whispered.

Something happened.

Mei-Xing took a step back, which was pointless because the moth was stuck to her finger.

Slowly, Mei-Xing witnessed as to how the tattered wings of the moth began to open, and close again, and then open again. Its eyes that were supposed to be black, were now an angry red. Its body remained deathly looking, unhealed to the bone. Mei-Xing wondered if it could fly. And upon her thought, the moth took flight off her finger and it fluttered before her very eyes.

Mei-Xing stared at it in both wonder... and fear.

"What the hell just happened?" she thought.

The bathroom light flickered once more.

And the moth was gone.

Mei-Xing looked back at herself in the mirror, her dark hair flowing over her shoulders and curtaining one side of her face. Her eyes were an emerald green, the glow of it was fading back into her normal black.

Mei-Xing wrapped her arms protectively around herself.

She was so afraid.

She wanted to tell someone, she hoped someone could help her if she told anyone.

But whenever the words were about to come out of her mouth, a cold manly voice would whisper.

"Not yet."


Hit me with your theories. I'm ready.

LOL but then again most of you are already crying like

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LOL but then again most of you are already crying like..

LOL but then again most of you are already crying like

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~Love yourself, Love myself, peace. TripleMMMai

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