~Author Note ~

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Author Note:

Hey Everyone :')

I apologise for not updating for a while. I have been going through so many emotional, physical and financial problems; it is unbelievable that I'm still alive.

My greatest difficulty that I had to deal with over this past few months was the results of my medical condition. My heart isn't as strong as it used to be. I'm not scared of my condition... It was the fact that I felt scared that I had to go through it alone, and that if I don't make it, who will be the one to take care of my mom and little brother?

Chika, a friend of mine, was the first to know about my health during the month of May already, I told her to keep quiet until I'm confirmed about it. And when it did... all I could do was cry.

Three days prior before I got my results, I lost the friendship of the person whom I thought was my best friend, my sister, my better half that I always looked up to, the type of friend that if ever something ought to happen to her... I would have probably died along with her because she meant so much to me. I never expected her to be the one to ever do something to hurt me or lie to me, but then she did.

I asked her a question and I begged her to answer me truthfully... and I believe she did  If only she had known that the answer she would have given me wasn't an answer that could have possibly ended our friendship...it was an answer that could have possibly ended my life if I wasn't ready for it.

Not a day goes by where I'm not reminded of her. I would cry myself to sleep because of how hurt I feel and it really isn't healthy considering my condition. But what else am I supposed to do? I can't bottle up my feelings because it would make me feel sicker than I already am. Then whenever I'm around people, I smile... because it simply confuses them as to how you are really feeling.

I remember when the doctor encouraged me and told me that I can still live a normal life if I do as I'm told. And then I remember the doctor asking me... "I'm sure you have great support, you still have your mom and your little brother to stay strong for. And I'm sure you have friends too, don't you?"

I remained silent. I couldn't answer her because I wasn't sure if I can call myself a friend to anyone I know... I feel like everything is my fault. I'm just a sack of burden and nothing but a disappointment.

I feel that I failed as being the eldest amongst my friends. I apologised to them if I have ever done something wrong to them. Even though they keep saying that none of this is my fault, I still feel that it is...

Up till this moment, there has only been one really close friend of mine who remained by my side when I needed someone the most. While my other best friend thought it was best to give me some space when the actual fact was that all I needed was her to be by my side, because she is still my friend and friends stick together no matter what... But as days went by, I saw how happy she was with the decision she made while I continued to just get weaker. But what I felt didn't matter, because all I want is for her to be happy. I want all of my friends to be happy. At least when I'm no longer around, I can say that they were all happy and that they don't need someone like me.

The maknae, my youngest friend, would always stay back in class and help me pack my bag, all because she knew I won't have the energy by rushing. During PE session, she would run next to me because of fear I might need my asthma pump or I might just get a heart attack. She would do the weirdest things to make me laugh. She would sacrifice her time to help me just so that I can achieve better marks in my class tests. She is the type of best friend who would jump in a taxi just so that she can arrive on my front porch to literally cry on my shoulder when she needed someone... She is the bestfriend and younger sister that I can't bear to lose. Ever...

I think the reason why I'm writing this all here in this author note is because I don't want to speak to anyone face to face. I fear that when I look into a person's eyes if I talk to them... I will see pity instead of someone truly caring.

And to be honest to all of you, I think this book is the only thing that is keeping me going and distracting me from reality.

So yeah, that's it I guess.

And not to worry, I have written out every chapter that is to be published, I also told my mom about everything that was to happen in the book, you know... in case anything happens then at least the book will be able to continue.

I also want to thank my readers for giving this book so much love. I love you guys<3

And please don't rush me to update.

Commenting a simple 'Stay strong author-nim' or 'don't give up, keep going' would be of a much greater help than saying 'Please update quickly' because then I would feel guilty like as if I'm not doing my best like I promised all of you.

So... Please don't stop supporting this book. I will try my best to do as much as I can for you guys. I will try to stay strong, for you.

May God bless all the organ donors and doctors in the world. And for all those who are going through a difficult time like me, lets all stay strong and pray for a better future ahead of us.

And keep smiling, it confuses people.

Author-nim Hwaiting!


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