Chapter 27- Uncertainty, Havoc, Truth, Revenge (Part 1)

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Chapter 27

Mei-Xing’s POV

Once again... I am walking down a hallway that looked exactly like the hallways of Star Fall Academy.

The corridor was extremely dark and gloomy. Thunder and lightning, along with the sound of a heavy rainfall was pouring on the outside of the castle-like walls.

Am I back in one of my nightmares? Wait...

I remember that I had a dream similar to this. Ne that’s right... I had this dream when I fell asleep on the couch when I watched a movie that Tao gave me.

Is this really the same dream?

Is this a dream or a nightmare? I’m not sure...

Aniyo... this can’t just be a dream. This feels too real.

I walked and I eventually came by a huge brown door. I remembered the door being closed shut in my last dream... but in this dream the door is already open.

I looked inside the room from where the door was open. At first I thought the room was empty... but aniyo, it wasn’t empty.

When I listened carefully... I could hear the sound of someone sniffing and crying.

"Who is there?” I asked as I stood in front of the door.

No one responded to my question.  

At first, I didn’t want to go inside because I had no idea who or what is inside. Seriously... I don’t have a guarantee that whatever is crying is even human.

I entered the room with only one foot stepped inside and then suddenly...

The sound of the person who was crying had stopped.

“I warned you...” The unknown person spoke from the shadows. The voice sounded like as if it belonged to a girl.

“Warned me?” I asked as I tried to scan the dark room for any sign of someone. This room is really... really dark.

“I warned you to run away... I warned you to stay away...”

"What do you mean? I don’t understand wh-” My sentence was cut off by the girl’s screaming voice.

“ Why didn’t you listen to me!?”

“Why does no one ever listen to me?!!!”

A sudden cold motion filled the gloomy room. The temperature has seemed to have dropped more than a hundred degrees in here.

I rubbed my arms because I was shivering from the coldness. I realised... I was still in my training uniform.

It took me a moment to think about what had happened to me. I was at Elementricks Class, I remembered my fight with Luhan, I remember how he...

How he almost killed me?

Did he kill me?

“Am I dead?” I asked with a terrified tone. This could be the only possible solution as to how this dream is feeling totally real.

I stood still and I stopped moving anywhere further into the room. The sound of the girl crying had again filled the air.

“ Please... I don’t understand what is going on. I really-”

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