Chapter 23

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 ( Author Note:This is a possible CREEPY chapter so... if it is night time by any of my readers, I would advise you to rather read this in the morning instead. This is also a looong chapter.


Chapter 23

Mei-Xing’s POV

It is now 7pm in the evening and the weather from outside was a cool breeze as I’m standing here on my bedroom balcony.

 I’ve adjusted quite well to my new routine of sleeping during the day and being awake at night, but...

 It may seem that ever since that morning, when I left the mall with Suho, I began not feeling well. But it wasn’t just since that morning.

Ever since I was brought here to the Academy I felt as if though someone was...aniyo... someone is watching me and I feel like I’m being followed.

I’ve always been taught to be wary of my surroundings. I was taught that even the smallest sign of uneasiness or discomfort, is a sign that you should be alerted because danger is coming.

Just like now, for the past two weeks I haven’t been feeling well and I was absent from all classroom activities and classes.

 One moment I feel exceptionally well and then the next moment I feel as if a truck has driven over my head. Ne... that is how much my head would hurt from paining.

 Joong-ki oppa only came to visit me a few times because he mentioned something about having trouble with school security.

 Xuimin and Tao were also here last week.

 Baekhyun has been here almost every day and Baekhyun would be the one to feed me my medicine. Baekhyun would most probably arrive later tonight like he always does.

 I feel alot better now and I feel that I can return to classes on Monday. I hope that I didn’t miss out on too much work.

 I sighed.

“What am I doing here?” I asked myself while staring at the night sky that was forming. “ Do I even belong here? I wonder who would even care if I just ran away...”

 I sighed again.

 I felt a light wind brushing against my skin and I closed my eyes to breathe in the fresh air.

 I opened my eyes and I turned around so that I can go look for Snow. Aish... I’m always looking for him.

 _ Mei-Xing’s House_ Lounge_

 I made it to the dining room and I saw Snow resting on the cream velvet material of the uncovered furniture couch.

 Ne... the furniture was uncovered. Surprisingly Xiumin and Tao were here to visit last week. They helped me take care of the house and everything looks tidied up now.

 Xiumin brought me some steamed buns because he said that he was worried that my sickness is causing me to lose alot of weight. Tao brought me a few movies and I chuckled when I realised that all the movies Tao brought all seemed to be martial arts related.

 I got hold of one movie and inserted it into the DVD to watch. I got some snacks from the kitchen for Snow and I to enjoy while watching the movie.

 Snow was now right in front of me on the couch and I was in a laying position while watching the film.

Upon not even watching halfway through the Karate movie... I already felt myself being drifted off into a deep sleep.

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