Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

_SFA_Chen's Mansion_Hwanhee's Hidden Room_

Luhan was sitting with his eyes closed, and his forehead pressed against his fisted hands that he kept up in front of him as he thought about anything and everything that related to a specific leader of the Shadow league.

Leader Siwon was the most feared leader out of all the leaders. He was the first born with the Grim Reaper's seal. He controlled deadly powers. He did not need to make anyone aware of them, nor did he ever need to convince anyone that they should fear him. Because he controlled the one element that even the strongest creature alive feared most.


Whether you were stronger than him did not matter. Because all things had an end, and all things could have a sooner end if Siwon decided it.

The day Luhan became initiated, and the time when Luhan took his first steps as a new member of the shadow league, Leader Siwon was the first to greet him and accept him. "Welcome... to the dark side." Was what he said to Luhan.

Luhan's body tensed at the memory.

Slouching back into his seat, Luhan ruffled his hair into a mess as he could not feel more frustrated at what Hwanhee had told him.

"It could have been any other leader. Any other leader. Why him?" he said as he threw his head back and closed his eyes.

Luhan was deep in his trail of thought, when a shadowy figure loomed over his shoulder in a slow motion.

"What now?" Luhan mumbled as he opened his eyes to see Hwanhee's shadow staring back at him with crescent smiling eyes.

Hwanhee's shadow waved a scroll in front of Luhan's face.

Luhan sat up straight in his seat after taking the scroll out of the shadow's hand. "I suppose I might as well occupy my time with something relevant." Luhan said to the shadow.

Hwanhee's shadow twirled about in excitement. He snaked his way across the room, gathering old books that related to runes, rituals, and cursed ancient artefacts. He gathered stationery that Luhan might need. He even went to the extent of warming up Luhan a cup of red liquid that he thought Luhan might like. When he thought he gathered anything and everything Luhan might need, he still looked up at Luhan as if to ask if there was anything else he should get for him.

"That would be all. Thanks." He said to Hwanhee's shadow that returned a crescent eye smile back at Luhan.

Luhan lit up extra candles for the shadow to keep him distracted and busy.

Luhan sat back into his desk chair, grabbing hold of a pencil and opening the first page of a two thousand page book amongst many thousand other ancient books that related to 'Cursed Ancient Artefacts'.

"I already know how dangerous the last Occult ritual is. But let us see what makes you so important." Luhan said as he eyed a sketched drawing of the Abyssal Vase.

_Four days later _

Luhan was still occupied with the contents of his research when there was a knock at the room door, and Hwanhee stepped in wearing beaded necklaces around his neck, glitter all over his clothes and body, his hair sprayed green and heart-shaped glasses framed over his eyes.

"I'm back!" Hwanhee said cheerfully as he threw his arms up which sent sparkled confetti into the air.

Both Luhan and Hwanhee's shadow gave Hwanhee a weird look.

Luhan raised both of his hands, and then he simply closed his eyes and shook his head. "I'm not even going to ask."

Hwanhee pulled the heart shaped glasses down to the edge of his noise bridge and he gave Luhan a sassy smile. "Muah has been helping some hot looking guys prepare their props for the Scare fare Carnival."

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