My friend and stalker's execution...

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(As you read the title, it's time for the angst. So get ready.) (Also I'm currently playing the game for the fourth time so I'm feeling the pain as well.)

[_Please choose who to vote for._]

Y/N L/N/Sara Chidouin

Joe Tazuna

Kanna Kizuchi

  Sou Hiyori <

Kai Satou

[...All votes have been received. Displaying results...]

Y/N L/N/Sara Chidouin  -  0 votes

Joe Tazuna  -  2 votes

Kanna Kizuchi  -  0 votes

Sou Hiyori  -  5 votes

Kai Satou  -  6 votes


That's too bad... You lose, Kai."

"...I understand. So long as you may be the Sacrifice, choosing you is risky..."
"It's more than that. If you picked me with emotion... that would be your will. But everyone chose with logic. Awful, isn't it...? ... "This vote isn't about our own wills!" That's what everyone's telling themselves - how they're fooling themselves."

"I'm sorry...!! I'm sorry...!! I'm sorry..." Nao said with tears in her eyes. "Eheehee. Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves as I check your answers! First, the Sage! You were right on, everyone! It was Kai Satou!" Kai didn't speak. Next, the Keymaster! Eheehee, the fierce battle between you three was a true sight to see! Amazing! It was Y/N L/N and Sara Chidouin!"

"No... Stop it..." Sara said. "Aaand! The Sacrifice! The one who dies with objective incomplete isss..."


"Tadaaah! It was Jou Tazuna!"

"Haha... ha... Well... what to say... Guys..." Joe starts to smile. "Sorry... for tricking you..."

"D... Dumbass!! What're you sorry about?! You... 'cause of us, you... you...!! Don't you feel bitter?!"

"I dunno... I just dunno... I mean... I just can't see you as bad guys... Even Sou and Alice... must be good people, really..."

"Y/N... Sara... Sorry... I even tricked you." I start to tear up. "J-Joe... Stop it...! I... I don't believe it... I..."

"Y/N, Sara, you didn't vote for me. ...That's what made it clear."


"All of you guys... are my friends. So... work together and do your best."


"Last... There's something I wanna say. Sure enough... It's hard for a guy and two girls to say this sorta stuff to each other, huh...? I love ya, N/N! (Nickname) Sara! You're my best friends!!" (THE TEARS WON'T STOP!! AND HE EVEN CALLED YOU BY YOUR NICKNAME FOR HIS LAST MOMENTS!! Also if you don't have a nickname then make something up.)

[REMAKING] YTTD Female Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now