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adore delano - pretty boys cry

      "Cher, I honestly don't know what to do." With a loud sigh I plop down on the bright orange sofa next to my best friend who dearly loved this thing as a cherry lollipop hung from my mouth. Her blonde hair spayed out on the floor as she hung upside with her eyes glued on the television that hung on the wall in front of us.

      "I told you, break up with that dick." She snickers after a moment before glancing over at me, "Or break his dick."

      "You know I can't do that." I mumble as I pull out the spit covered lollipop. "It'd be eight years wasted on what? Nothing."

      She hums before going back to the cartoons that played out so well with a reality that wasn't real. I wasn't offended by Cher ignoring the subject, we have this conversation at least once a week. But I think this time I meant it.

     Ira just has been acting so different lately, he wasn't the man that I grew to knew and love. Something was off and I had no idea what was happening with us. It's like I was just a pet for him to show off in public but in private to ignore.

      With a loud crunch the candy breaks between my teeth causing Cher to get up from the odd position she was in. Sitting criss crossed now she turned her body towards me and places her ice cold hands onto my knees that sat straight.

      "Babe, I mean it. If you're not going to break up with him at least talk to him about how you're feeling." With a squeeze she lets go of my knees with the ice feeling disappearing along with it.

      Frowning I pull out my phone and glance at the time. 11:06. I told Ira I was staying the night at Cher's but maybe she was right, we do need to talk.

      "I'll do it tomorrow, it can wait." Keeping my focus on my phone I go on Instagram but rather quickly it gets slapped out of my hand by a rather strong force.

" Keeping my focus on my phone I go on Instagram but rather quickly it gets slapped out of my hand by a rather strong force

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      "With that monstrous device gone," She points at my phone laid on the floor grimacing, "We need to talk."

      Swallowing down a nervous gulp my mind immediately starts racing with a million things that I could've done to wrong my only friend. Her eyes widen and she immediately grabs onto my knees again that seemingly calm me down a tad bit.

      "Who's that guy that always visits you?" Her voice was soft but curious, like how a mouse would sound if it could talk.

      "Pete? Just some rich ass-"

     "No, no, the one that hangs out with him."

      Furrowing my eyebrows I think back to who's always with the strange man. Only two people could come to mind, Henry and Jeffrey. The cocky asshole and the shy man.

      "He has like gorgeous long hair, cheekbones for daaays, and oh God, that facial hair."

      A giggle slips out of my mouth at her description that could only fit Jeffrey. "His name is Jeffrey, love. He's super quiet and hasn't even spoken one word to me."

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now