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3 - britney spears

day 2

Champagne filled flutes being held in stranger's hands, drinks spilled on the floor from someone who's had more than one too many, and haunting gazes held between people I've never met before. Music sung through the air delicately hitting my ears as I blocked out any conversation that floated my way, just breathe Ara.

I hadn't seen Eli since a passing by this morning, thankfully there were no forced breakfast today. Instead, it was rather quiet and honestly kind of nice? There was of course the clatter of the place getting ready for the gathering tonight but other than that it was a beautiful morning.

My burgundy dress hit the floor as I make my way through the crowd hoping I'd end up hitting a dead end or at least something of the sort. Eli never did confirm who I was supposed to be meeting tonight or rather more what information I'd be collecting. He truly was the worst at plans.

The champagne hit the back of my throat as I downed the small glass sitting it off on a random table. So many people were here and not one of them I knew. That was expected though, I'm not entirely involved in this sort of crowd. Whatever crowd that would be. Rich? Snobby?

The band in the front of the room begins to play a slow melodic tune, one you would expect to hear in a ball from the 1800s. My eyes fall shut as I lean against the wall after finally pulling myself away from everyone. It hasn't even been an hour since the event had started and I was already growing tired of it. If the night ends early, I personally wouldn't be upset over it.

I did know a few people here, a couple of people passing by that I didn't bother saying hello to. James stood in a opposite corner since it had started hiding away from everything, looking terrified of something or someone. And if anything I would have to guess Eli. Whatever he had done to James truly traumatized him.

"Can we talk?" A voice whispers prompting me to open my eyes to find Pete standing in front of me. An all black suit covered his body as his usual gold chains hung from his neck. My throat was too dry to speak despite having drunk not that long ago so I nod for him. He cautiously grabs onto my hand as I head the way walking on the sidelines to the other room where the stairs were.

My mind was rather calm compared to it's usual rushed state. My free hand held up the dress as I begin the walk up the stairs and I didn't notice until I made eye contact with Eli from across the room the smirk on his face. He holds up his glass mid-conversation my way as well as sending a wink my way. I quickly look away as a strange feeling of guilt fills my stomach making me wanting to almost stop and run out of the house.

Ghosts danced through the halls; or at least thats what my brain envisioned as we walked hand-in-hand throughout them. Their bodies dispersing like particles in the air as our bodies went through theirs. Most likely going to get their revenge by haunting our mind and bodies tonight. Breathing through my nose shallowly we make our way to the newly familiar black door that I've spent the last couple of nights behind.

Pushing the door open a click rings through the air as a darkness welcomes us until the feeble light switches on and broadcasts a small light throughout the dark-toned room. It was now or never. I let go of his hand and wish nothing more that I could disappear in the same darkness once more.

"I'm sorry, I really am." I turn to face him only to meet his chest two inches away from my face. His cologne. That's all I could smell. "It didn't mean anything, truly. I was thinking about you."

I grimace on the inside as white noise topples over his words filling my head with nothing but emptiness. The blood in my veins being tainted with drugs and running hot with alcohol consumed not that long ago, but my mind was still sober enough to not think twice about what to do next.

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