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arctic monkeys - arabella

Drowning; submerge or flood. The feeling of one being suffocated. Some moments I wish that was what I was feeling, drowning. 

       The idea was maddening, I know. Not normal. But that's what I felt like was happening in my life. Every single moment, piece, memory, space, was being drowned by dread and neglect. Neglect for myself mainly, there was no motivation anymore.

       How could I have any motivation when my whole entire life felt like shit? My veins were always filled with some type of high, cocaine? Meth? I couldn't even tell you anymore.

       With a hand rested atop my stomach and one behind my back crossed unwillingly I glance around the small space. Papers piled high on a mahogany desk that was most likely from the 70's. Occupied with paintings of barely naked women dressed from the 50's or whatever era came with a burlesque. 

      My eyelids flutter shut as the silence around me engulfs my mind leaving me no room to spare except for the flashback that replayed over and over in my head of two days ago when it felt like Death itself was chasing me down a lonesome hallway with no ending at the end of it.

      Two bodies. Pushed up against each other on a wall that was covered in nothing but local band posters and vendor advertisements. A few were scattered on the floor next to the pair of feet that were aligned right against each other. Their lips were feverishly connected and weren't gonna disconnect anytime soon it seemed like.

       My skin pressed against theirs as I pushed my way through but in a millisecond one of their hands was on my arm. Looking back at them I really wish I hadn't. Drowning; that feeling once again, I felt not that often but often enough I knew what it was. My lungs had no air and it felt like my throat was enclosing on itself.

      The manicured nails dug into my skin as the wicked witch herself stared me down with that smile on her face. 

      "Ara.." My gaze didn't dare even fray to the male voice as I ripped my arm out of the grip and quickly walked off without a second glance back. 

      The door swings open and the only women I was looking for strides in with the powerful walk that one could only dream of achieving to have. Lilith takes a seat at her desk pushing the papers off to the side a few of them falling onto the floor.

       Clearing her throat she motions to the opposite chair indicating she wanted me to seat. I stare across at her as her eyes danced from the phone in her hand to the paper in front of her that one could only consider the sharpest thing to hear.

      "I can't work here anymore." The words were out of my mouth before I could even process anything. Sadness filled her face as well as did agreement. Everyone in this building could just feel the hatred between Maeve and I. It was no secret she had home wrecked my relationship, everyone knew. I wish they didn't but they did.

        Whenever we saw each other she was being an absolute child and mocking about it, showcasing, shoving it into my face. I was being the bigger person and leaving the situation before it got any worse than what it already was. I couldn't stand to be in the same building as her anymore, it was suffocating in more ways than one.

      "I completely understand, Arabella. Um, what are your options or your plans?" Her fingers clutched onto the paper wrinkling it permanently. 

      "I'm not sure, I-" I cut myself off as I scrunch my eyebrows together as my eyes focus on the engravings on the desk. Swirls of red and brown filling my vision. "I'll do one more performance but I think that's it for me."

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