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palaye royale - redeemer

      Every time a star falls out of the sky, a person wishes upon it. That person, being child or adult wishes on a falling star for something of their own. They wish on something dead and bare for something of their own to come to life. In a way, it's sickening.

      Sickening that someone would prey on something dying for their own benefit. But I couldn't deny that as a child I did the same. When I was younger, before my parents had gotten divorced we would always go on family walks at night. The stars would beam down on our skin kissing it ever so lightly as we walked through the moonlight on the same route we took every night. The same exact route, I can still remember it to this day. Down the road from our house, turn left and walk straight until we were in a new part of a neighborhood, turn right and we reached a park that was always empty. Then we would eventually hit the edge of a forest and we would turn back around.

      And on those nights I would see the millions of stars that would always put a smile on my face. My mother would always see this and say, "Are you smiling up at God?" But only if she knew I was smiling at the universe's creation and not God. My mother, she was religious at first, she did all that church stuff dragging me along with her, and then the divorce happened. She changed. So much.

      At first, she stopped going to church. She would still pray every night though and have me join her but then the drinking started and instead of praying each night before bed she started  bedding men. It wasn't drastic but it was noticeable and everyone noticed not just me. People started whispering saying how the devil grew control over my family and we were all his children. 

      It was tough in school, being called the Devil's daughter. But I grew with it and dealt with it. My mother, on the other hand, didn't deal so kindly to it. All the talk made the drinking worse just so she could numb all the pain along with the voices. It killed me at such a young age.

      So as I grew I never turned back to religion, it wasn't my thing. It pushed me to be an outcast at such a young age I never thought of going back to it. Not once. No, I believed strongly that whatever force there was already had my life planned and I didn't need a man to tell me what to do strictly. I never let a man tell me to how live my life.

      "Stop it." The voice grunted out from across the table. "Stop chewing so loudly."

      "Excuse me?" Milk dribbles out of the corner of my mouth as I furrow my brows at the man across from me. The kitchen grew quiet as Henry had his fingers pressed against his temples. "Maybe if you weren't hungover I wouldn't be chewing loudly."

     To annoy him even more I purposely chew the Captain Crunch louder than before. He gives me a glare before standing up from the seat.

      "God, what are you even doing here still!" His voice had anger in it but I knew for a fact it wasn't because of the cereal I was eating. He was annoyed with the fact that I've been here for the past couple of days.

      "Eating, what does it look like I'm doing?" He shakes his head before storming out of the kitchen. From across the room Alex chuckles before sitting down in the now empty chair.

      "He's gonna end up killing you one day." Pete glares from over at the coffee machine at Alex once the words leave his mouth but all I do is laugh it off.

      "I'd like to see him try." Another spoonful of cereal mixed with milk swirls around in my mouth as I smile over at Alex who only shakes his head.

      Not even a minute later Henry storms back in avoiding eye contact with me at all costs as he goes over to Pete and whispers to him. Their conversation was tense as Alex and I poke fun at each other from across the table. In a blink of an eye a banana peel is thrown at me smacking my face tenderly. My mouth falls open as two bodies exit the room without a word leaving me confused inside.

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