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lorde - hard feelings / loveless

The bright lights against the dark sky, the raging noises against the quiet breath that left our mouths, and the crowded streets that occupied our empty minds. We just ran. Ran through the night hand in hand until we reached a point where we couldn't anymore. Our feet halted as we reached a dead end but even that still couldn't stop us.

With a smile on my face, my back hits the graffitied brick wall as our sweaty foreheads leaned against one another. I could feel his breath fanning against my face as my eyes closed shut and I slightly tilted my head up towards him not making the connection just yet. Blue and red lights flash across our skin as the cop car speeds past our hidden spot that was meant to be just for the two of us.

New York City. The place where people dreamed big and made it big. A city full of wonders and mysteries just dying to be exposed to the public eye. The city where the man I undyingly loved was born in.

Our lips connect but there was no skin just air, and when I open my eyes there's nobody there but a blindingly white wall filled with cliche inspirational quotes. We weren't in the middle of the city at night, nor in an alleyway, or even together. I was by myself.

My fingers ring together as my leg starts to bounce uncontrollably as the middle-aged mom next to me hugged her daughter close to her. No words have left my mouth since that night seeing as I was too scared to speak to anyone at all. This was a mess that was surely going to get us in trouble if caught.

But there was only one person to blame, Eli. He was behind this whole mess and he was going to be the one to get us but especially him out of it. My shoes hitting the floor was the only noise that filled this room as the seats were scattered and filled with different types of people. My eyes make contact with one man who winked my way only making me scrunch my nose up and look away, gross.

A lady sat behind a desk dressed in a uniform despite her doing literally nothing but sitting on her phone and drinking coffee at nearly midnight. Before I realize it and try to stop my body I'm standing in front of her with my arms crossed over my stomach and my foot still tapping anxiously.

Her eyes slowly move up my foot to my torso to finally my impatient face that stared down at her.

"Can I help you with something?" Even her voice was nasally and snarky.

"Pete Davidson, when is his bail posted?" Biting on my bottom lip I watch as she painstakingly slowly moves her phone to the table before picking up a paper with a long list of names that more than likely had zero information on anything I asked for. Her eyes move down the list as she flips through it multiple times before shrugging her shoulders.

"His name ain't on here yet, miss. Check back tomorrow mornin'." Furrowing my eyebrows I stand there staring as she goes back to texting whoever is on that tiny phone in her hands. Turning my body around I stalk out of the room and out of that building into the stormy weather that loomed over the city.

Rain splattered onto my clothes and hair drenched me everywhere as my feet began to walk to the only place I knew in the city.

"What the fuck, Eli?" My voice cracked but it still didn't stop the angriness from showing through. I storm into the room that was filled almost to the brim with people; the conversation stops abruptly as I push my way through until I'm face to face with him myself. A puddle had started to collect around my feet as the rain left my body and onto down below me.

"What's wrong mouse?" He has a smile on his face as he looks down upon me. Rage quickly fills my body as he knows exactly what I was talking about.

"We had a deal or did you forget?" The tension grew stronger as he glances behind me to our growing observing audience.

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now