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Lonely Hearts Club by MARINA

A red stain popped out from under the white shoe heel. With arms crossed I watched closely as the man's swollen face nodded awake. A black eye, swelled cheek, and one busted lip but he finally revealed everything he had done.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh to him?" Sarah copied my posture leaning over into the glass as we observed him.

"No. He leaked valuable information to someone who relied upon it to people who want us dead." I watch as Richard walks out taking a pair of gloves off his hands.

He nods towards us as he goes into a different room where Alex sits inside. Sarah looks wary as I pull open the door, just in time for Jeffrey to have woken up. I wasn't sure if he could see us, but it didn't matter. All he needed to do was listen to us. With my foot, I kick his ankle softly only to be met with a groan in response. Frowning I leaned down as his head fell down facing his lap.

"Jeffrey," I call his name as I push his hair back getting a good look at the damage done. "Thank you."

He lets out another moan as Pete sticks his head into the room. Pete comes over placing a hand on my shoulder as the three of us stare down at the broken man. He was Pete's best friend but even still, he knew exactly what he was getting himself into the moment he opened his mouth. He should've stayed the silent mouse that he portrayed himself as in the beginning.

Now to figure out what it was he said. I walk over to the corner of the room where a dainty stool sits alone by itself. A tape recorder was on top of the splintered wood as I stared directly at Jeffrey, my finger pushing down on the play button.

The static crackles a little as Jeffrey's voice flows through the device. The funny thing was that I never would have expected this from him. Henry maybe, but not Jeffrey.

"It started one night when we were still getting to know each other. We were at my place and drunk." I adjust my footing feeling Pete's presence next to me. "I was more drunk than her and she just kept asking questions that in the moment I didn't think were damaging."

"What were the questions?" The question was followed by silence and then a loud sound of flesh hitting flesh. Scrunching up my face I lean back against Pete's chest. Jeffrey was completely bloodied and unrecognizable all because he fell in love with a girl. What a cruel world this was.

"Fine. Fine. She was just asking what I did for work, who I worked with, and basically what we did." Another sound of flesh against flesh went through the speakers. "The more we got drunk the more involved the questions were."

"Who was Eli and why was he the leader, when did I join and why, and where did we usually meet?"

I meet eyes with Pete with one question running through my mind. Did she know this whole time about the organization?

"She even asked about Car-Arabella at one point." My head snapped over to the tape recorder. What? "She wanted to know if it was possible to get her to stop. To get her to stop taking over like how she does with everything."

In the corner of my sight, Jeffrey lifts up his head and there's a slight smirk on his face. One that held something behind it that I didn't enjoy at all. A clicking noise sounded indicating the recording was over but this whole entire thing wasn't. Not only has he betrayed me but my best friend had also as well. The one person I trusted in this damned town and now it was all over just like that.

Sadness didn't flow through me, but anger did. One that I've never felt before and don't think I would ever feel again. I felt anger with Ira but he was replaceable. Friendship with a certain somebody who knew all your secrets, the thoughts inside your head, and knew every single thing that happened in your life couldn't be replaced. Friendship was irreplaceable. But apparently, none of that mattered.

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن