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boyfriends by harry styles

There was a breeze in the air that was pushing back the perfect curls in my hair. A tight lace dress adorned my body, a dress I got to pick by myself. People around me ran around the room worrying over the smallest things as I stared myself down in the mirror. It is true what they say, you get cold feet the minute before you go to get married.

I don't know if I could do this.

My mind starts to panic as I turn around and stare down the room for the quickest exit.

"Don't you even fucking think about it." A monstress digs her nails into my shoulder surprisingly not drawing blood. "If you even think about leaving I will hunt you down."

Sarah stares me dead in the eye but my eyes focus on the open balcony behind her showing off the ocean. Pushing past her I step out on the patio allowing the fresh air to hit me in the face. Fresh air was all I needed.

I wasn't even going to lie, this whole wedding was a sham. None of these "bride maids" were people I've even spoken to before. I don't even think these people know who I am.

Come on, Carmen. You got this.

"Who's ready for a wedding?" Sarah yells with a fake smile plastered on her face. Of course she was ready, she wasn't the one getting married.

Two girls I've never met before in my life run over and interlock their arms in both of mine and begin to walk to the door. The door leading to a new life. All I could do was smile and pretend I wasn't about to have a breakdown and run away.

Five girls circle me as the doors open and we face an empty outside hallway. Vines hung from the ceiling and as I walked surrounded on each side and more I felt my heart grew heavier and heavier. This is not what I wanted. He is not who I wanted to marry.

An ocean spray was in the air from how closer we were to the ocean. The smell of seaweed stunk up the air making my stomach even more queasy than before. We got closer to the arch with seats that were each packed and clustered close together. I knew he was going to be here today, I made him come. Though I'm starting to wish I had just made him stay away. At least for the day.

Music starts to play from an orchestra and it sounds more like a funeral than a celebration. Everybody stands from their seats and slowly turns around. All their eyes were on me and I didn't recognize a single face. Except for one, seated in the far back trying to stay hidden. I smile softly at the mere thought of it being him standing up there instead in a boyish suit.

Flower petals littered the ground pink and purple everywhere. Gripping onto the bouquet a thorn pokes through, clearly someone had missed it. Glancing down momentarily it wasn't hard to see the red droplet on the tip of my finger.

Eli stood there with a grim face no emotion at all. The moment I stepped up onto the platform the music stop, people sat down, and something shifted in the air. I wasn't sure what it was, but something did shift. A rush went through my veins as I looked once more out at the crowd before I legally became Carmen Walsh. Walsh. Such a strange little last name.

"I'd like to start this off by welcoming everybody here to this joyous celebration of conjoining these two. Today we'll be enjoying the union between Eli Walsh and Carmen Ava."

"If you two will please repeat after me." The officiant bows his head, holding a book in his hands.

"I, Carmen Ava, promise to walk hand in hand through any trouble and joy that is to come. Through illness and through death, through the hardships shall light shine through."

"I, Carmen Ava, promise to walk hand in hand through any trouble and joy that is to come. Through illness and through death, through the hardships shall light shine through."

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now