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Sour Diesel by ZAYN

Her smile lit up the entire room, long hair down to the waist with jewels that sparkled against the light. She told me she wanted makeup straight out of the 70s but exaggerated, so I did just that. The blue powder was packed on her eyelid as her bottom lashes were longer than the top ones, giving total Twiggy vibes. She laughed loudly as the dog under her arm snored on her lap, Spike was always a snorer.

Ira yells something but at the time I couldn't remember at all what he had said, all I remember is the flash of the light and both our smiles being genuine and real. New Year's Eve 2018, was the night Cher and I first hung out outside of work. The night that solidified our lifelong friendship. We promised to not tell each other our names that night but what a twisted fate that was. I ended up knowing hers anyway.

The picture fell back onto the wood of the dresser that I found it on. For once the house was entirely empty, pure luck that I came by when Ira was out of town. There was a note on the kitchen counter from him saying he was going to be gone for the week and that Spike was with a friend. However he knew I was coming by, I have no idea.

This house was filled with many memories, good and bad. Some I had forgotten about entirely but most I remembered clear as day. So much of my life happened here and it would be hard to leave it all behind. Shoving my hand into the pocket of my jacket my fingertips touch a paper right as a car horn sounds outside.

Taking the piece of paper out I quickly realize it was the note I had found in Cher's locker only a couple of days ago. Her perfume hit my nose as I unfold it and find only the scribble of her handwriting. It was from her diary, but why was there only one page ripped out and left in her locker?

A few words were smudged against the paper with a dark ring of liquid covering the scribble.

-y was the first day Arabella had left to go with Eli. It pains me to think that she thinks this was the only way she could get back at Pete. She deserves more than the men that she has in her life. I can only hope one day she can realize that.

The painting that arrived at my apartment a few weeks ago from this so-called Eli hangs in my living room, I won't lie when I say it truly does complete the space. I could tell right away that Ara was the one who had picked it out, she always has the best taste.

Ira had told me before that anything he heard or knew of I'd be the first to know, but I have no faith in him. He won't ever care for Ara as I do. He's still running around town with Maeve as if it didn't completely tear apart Ara.

One day karma will reign down on him and everybody else that not only put her through Hell but me as well. Nobody in this town understands and never will what it's like day-to-day having to pretend to care about everyone's problems. One day everyone will see. Everyone will get what's coming to them.

Starting off wit-

The rest of the paper was stained in that dark liquid cutting off whoever it was she was writing about. Frowning I flip it around to find nothing on the back, there was no indication of where she was going or what she was doing. We all had our secrets, every single person in this world held at least one. So what was hers?

"Amore mio," Pete's arms wrap around me from the back, "What are you reading?" Without saying a word I hand the note over to him. I'd rather sooner than later he finds out about Cher's true thoughts. Pete's eyes scan it rather quickly as I look up and watch his facial movements.

"What is this?" He re-reads it once more but I have no answer for him. Because I truly didn't know what it is.

"That day I picked up Cher's things from the club, there was this note in her locker. I'm not sure what it is or even where she is." All I can do is hope she isn't in trouble or worse. Cher has always been there for me, the one I go to for everything, and most of all my only friend in this world.

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