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the killers - miss atomic bomb

      The city of lights and glamour, full of sin and dreams you wish you could never speak of. Full of strangers crawling and begging for attention from any soul they could get it from. And strangely enough, they get the attention. It's surrounded by an empty desert full of bushes and cactuses, nothing special, it was a desert.

       Whenever I think of the end of the world I imagine that city of lights in the middle of the desert. A dark desert with the brightest of lights, such a contradictory piece of art. And it's strange really, to think that this place really could be where people are when the world ends.

      And in this desert a part of it is toxic and poisonous, death to some and to come many. Home to an atomic bomb testing site from the 50's but left behind toxins and poison for the future. The desert was left tainted for the rest of time to be due to war and the strive for power.

      The wind blew the specks of poisonous dust over the city but no one would realize the effects until later in life when a spike of cancerous cells sink in the bodies they hide in. But it was all for power and the hunger for it, it was worth it back then. No consequences for the greedy but for the innocent. 

      With my eyes glued shut and a mask strung tight against my face protecting me from that poison I feel the wind slap against my skin. A hand rested in my own with the same protection, we all knew the danger of this.

      Two shovels, three people, and a bag of mysterious contents. That's all that was needed. And that's all I was told of. Nothing more, nothing less. I may as well have been kidnapped by how little of information I know.

      But as the cold harsh air blew through my hair and past the sunglasses that rested atop of my face, I knew one thing. I wanted to be here.

      "Dig." Pete's one worded sentence prompted Jeffrey and him to start digging a hole. A hole that was 3 feet in depth and give or take 27 inches in diameter. Whatever was in that bag had to be important to hide in the middle of nowhere.

       I wasn't going to be nosey though, all that ever did was bring trouble.

      We had to have been out there for at least four hours, despite it being cold the sun still beat down on us with warmth. A tan had to have been on us now, a blessing and a curse. Getting cancer from the sun was just as expected as getting it from this dust, there was no escaping it. One way or another you'd end up getting it at some point in your life living here.

       Chemicals, radiation, heat of at least 120ºf in the summer, and addiction on every corner. Yes, such a city of glamour. 

      I guess it's why it's no wonder I ended up here, at first its glamorous but then it ends up turning to shit before  the good can arrive again. There was the losses and gains to every story here.

      Glancing around us, I was supposed to be the watch out despite there nothing to watch out for except for the occasional bunny or snake. There was the car also, the Chevy Camaro, could've been worse and been the Spyder Porsche; I hated that thing. The windows on this car were tinted darkly making it so you couldn't peer inside of it and at least it didn't have a fucking curse behind it that would taunt me every time I dared to get into it.

      More so, it was the Porsche 550 Spyder that was cursed, not the Porsche 718 Spyder, but still. All it took was one of the world's famous actors and a car nicknamed the "Little Bastard". At least  four people after the fatal crash have died after being involved with the car and the car parts. Sixty or so years later and the car is still missing along with the last owner, like I said, cursed.

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now