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mr. lonely by bobby vinton

Smoke filled the moonlit room, curtains blew in from the open window shining down night onto the floor. An empty room filled with two souls desperately trying to touch one another.

A beautiful fool and a king full of dark thoughts.

"I'm just.. not ready" His lips leaving sloppy wet marks across my neck as my eyes roll back to the ceiling. "For that commitment, amore mio."

His hands laid on my breast before leaving making them bare to the warm air.

"That's okay," My hands tangled into his hair pulling slightly making a groan escape from his throat. "I'll always be here."

He fell down to his knees as my thumb moved slightly over his cheek barely touching it, pressing down gently on his lips. His lips part open slightly allowing access as my thumb falls into his mouth. Dark brown eyes slowly look up, locking onto mine filled with desperation and willingness.

He stays on his knees as his hands glide up my thighs pushing back the sheer robe that adorned my body. Slipping his hands underneath it he pushes it off, the veil falling to the floor pooling around our bodies.

"Amore mio. I-"

A loud bang filled the house jolting my body up from the slumber I was in, pulling me out of the dream I wish I couldn't escape from. I glance around the space finding nothing but dawn peeking in through the windows.

Pushing the blanket off of sweat covered body I glide over to the door opening it only a crack just for another loud noise to go off.

"What the fuck!" A male voice screams from not that afar away, someone unrecognizable. A body pushes against the door letting themselves in before slamming it shut behind them. Eli.

"We need to leave. Now." Fast breathes fell from his mouth as I stare back in shock and confusion.

"What?" He practically runs over to my closet yanking all my clothes off of the rack and onto the floor followed by a familiar suitcase landing with a thud. His hands are fast as he shoves all the random articles of clothing into the pack.

"Wedding plans are going to have to be moved up." What was he talking about?

I move over next to him watching him sloppily throw everything in. "What are you talking about, Eli. What's going on?" He ignores me once more as panic starts to take over.

The fact alone that he never gets freaked over anything and now that he is, I'm not sure how I was supposed to take it. Before I know it the suitcase is full and he's just standing there heaving practically, not speaking or moving. My hands slowly reach up touching him slightly on the shoulders but he ends up flinching; making me more worried.

He pulls the handle out slamming the wheels on the ground as a loud knock rings from the door. Walking over with caution he cracks the door open just as a sigh of relief falls from his lips.

"James." He nods curtly as a familiar head of curls pokes his head through the door with a smile.

"The car is ready." James eyes meet mine and despite the smile on his face, fear filled his eyes.

"Great, will you take Carmen? I have.. stuff to do." Eli pushes past James before he can reply leaving just the two of us.

Walking over slowly with the suitcase in my hand I approach him, "James. What's going on."

The fear in his eyes changes to amusement rather quickly as he says, "We're going to London, baby."


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