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Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction

Water poured down, droplet after droplet on my cloth-covered skin as my damp hair stuck to the sides of my face. Three bodies stood in front of me all dressed in black: two black suits and a black dress.

Alex, Sarah, and Pete.

In front of them stood Henry, at the head of everything. In the back, I stood all alone with so much information swirling around in my head, at any point I was due to go crazy with it.

My eyes darted to Sarah as her fingers tapped three times on the side of her thigh—the first sign. Loud thunder clapped above but our bodies stood still as the doors to the warehouse opened.

He stood there shirt in hand staring with no words in response. I swallowed deeply as my hand rested on the doorknob where at any moment I was waiting to flee. What a terrible stupid mistake I just made.

Slipping the shirt on he sits down on the bed as I slowly shake my head. I push open the door and right as I step out I head immediately to the living room where everyone else sits watching the television. My phone sat on top of the table face down with a vibration rattling the wood.

Alex goes to grab it but I'm quicker with it as I shoot him a glare. Henry stares at the interaction but isn't able to comment when I'm already heading for the front door. Slamming the door shut behind me I hear Becca's distant barks as I finally answer the phone call.

"Tomorrow. 6 AM. The abandoned warehouse over in Spring Valley off of Sunset. Please don't be late." Sarah hung up before I could reply leaving me to the beating sun on my skin. I take a deep breath leaning my head back on the door forcing the tears to stay in my eyes.

We haven't spoken since then.

Walking behind everyone through the worn-down doors I glance at the new faces, most of them being men with muscles and beards. But one stood out.

You could tell immediately the second you walked in who the leader was and who wasn't. And it was Leo.

"Welcome!" A rather cheery British accent came out of him as I peeked out between the shoulders. The small smell of gasoline swept through the air mixing in with the rain, making my nose twitch. "It's been a while, Sarah."

He grabs her hand planting a kiss on the top. From her body language, I could tell she was uncomfortable as Alex looked back to glare at me. Leaning my head I crack my neck with a smile on my face that was quickly wiped off when Leo took notice.

"And who's this?" He separates the body gap with his hands pushing Alex and Sarah apart.

Forcing my body to become timid I push a strand of hair behind my ear as I struck out a hand. "A-Arabella." From behind him, I see Alex roll his eyes.

"I don't think we've met?" He did the same exact thing kissing the top of my hand making me cringe inside. "I'm Leo."

"We haven't." I fake a smile as the tip of my cheeks turns a slight red. "Although I wish we had sooner though."

Pete turned slightly from his spot, a flash of pain on his face.

"Better sooner than never." He winked before moving back over to his side of the room acting like this was a scene from West Side Story. "As the letter said, I'm here to meet the new Eli."

Straight to business. Everyone looked at each other but only one stepped out as planned. Henry had his hands in his pockets as he towered over Leo.

"I knew it wouldn't have been you, Sarah." He winks at her and from my spot I could feel the anger building inside of her.

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