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ke$ha - gold trans am

"--How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all these movies?"
"She's the Scream Queen."
"With that set of lungs- she should be."
My eyes open to pitch blackness, different from what I was seeing a second ago. A white glow reflected over my skin from the movie that was playing on the television screen. Glancing down I see a white cable knit blanket thrown over my legs and a hand resting on my thigh.

Observing the hand I move up to the face of the beholder to find Pete dead focused on the movie that was playing, Scream.

"I don't understand how you could fall asleep watching this movie." He speaks up over the numerous noises startling me.

"I told you I was tired." Leaning back up I snuggle my body closer to his in hopes the warmth would transfer to mine. For some reason, the men in this household refused to turn on the heater.

He shakes his head and puts his attention back onto the screen where a party is taking place. I've seen this movie so many times I couldn't watch it anymore. If I watch it one more time it'll be engraved inside my brain forever.

"I'm gonna go get water, you want any?" He barely glances at me but motions me off with his hand, a refusal. Furrowing my eyebrows I trudge off alone to the vacant kitchen that had no lights on for once. A light glow though from the door to the garage caught my eye, someone was in there.

I grab a glass and fill it with water from the refrigerator, ice cold. The nerves in my hand growing numb each second longer I held onto it. The numbness transferring to the walls of my throat leaving my hand as the water falls down into my body. The thirst was gone.

A soft way of music drifts from underneath the door prompting a harder curiosity inside of me, and without thinking I push the door open. And in my sight I meet Alex.

"Woah! What if I was naked, miss Ara?" He taunts me the second he turns around, a feather boa wrapped around his neck. Glitter shone on his cheeks and his usual oval glasses laid hiding his eyes.

"Then it would've been a bigger surprise for the both of us." I give him a smirk and step in further into his space. "What are you doing?"

"You're a dancer, right?" Glancing around the room I notice he's the only one in here.

"Was, why?" I tilt my head at him as excitement radiates off of his body, his energy was strong.

"Dance with me!" He flips the boa over his shoulder as I raise an eyebrow.

"Ok. Let's dahnce." Grinning I go over to his phone that was plugged into an aux and scroll through his Spotify. "What mood are we feeling?"

"Do your best damage."

I could feel his eyes dancing with glee through the glasses he wore, he didn't know it but he was an expressionist. Every emotion he had he showed through his facial expression. My finger continues to swipe until it landed on a certain song, a smile growing on my face.

This song makes me wanna have sex in my car, ugh

Alex's mouth falls open before he starts clapping and singing loudly along to it.

Wham, bam! Thank you, man. Get inside my fucking gold Trans Am

My fingers run through my hair as my body starts to move on it's own to the song. The lyrics falling in and out of my ear as we both live through the moment together.

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now