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selena gomez - perfect

a/n: oui, oui, that's smut ;) finallllly omgggg the sexual tension was killing me

      Guilt, pain, jealously, love; these are just learned emotions. We aren't born with them, we learn them. As we grow so do they and in tense moments are usually when these four particular emotions come out the strongest. 

      Guilt; the feeling of hurting someone who cared for you the most. Seeing the harm you had caused them in such a vulnerable moment that it just floods over you all at once. And all you can ever do is wish you never did that and praying that you never do it again.

      Pain; witnessing firsthand the betrayal of someone you trusted the most in your life. Someone you let in and who knew all your secrets and every aspect of your life just for them to turn on you last second.

      Jealously; wishing you were the person you were before you met him. Innocent, learning the way of life, trustful in people. And if only there was a way of turning back time and remaking those decisions. 

       And love; the most hardest emotion for someone to learn. Some people in their entire lives don't even learn it. And then there are others who love too much, and in the end they always end up regretting it.

      But that's all they are- emotions. Stupid, dumb, emotions that take over our brain and our actions in life, dictating how we act. 

       And sitting here in the middle of a dimly lit restaurant in front of a man who I barely knew, I somehow let these emotions take over. The guilt of letting myself fall for another man's trap, the pain in believing him, jealously over the other girls, and love. Stupid dumb love for his feelings and not wanting to hurt him.

      "You haven't- touched your food." Pete's plate was already halfway gone as mine rested still covered in a steak and baked potato. 

      "Pete, are you seeing other people?" I couldn't stop the words from coming out nor could I stop the feeling of jealously coursing through my veins. Of course he was seeing other people, why wouldn't he be? He's covered in tattoos, over six foot, has a stable income, anyone would want him.

        Taking a slow drink of the iced water he keeps steady eye contact before placing the glass down. "Depends on what other people. Friends, family-"

       "Are you fucking other girls."

       "Such nasty words from that mouth of yours." He smirks before leaning back in the chair with his arms crossed across his chest. "Not in a while, why do you ask?"

       "How long is a while, Pete?" This time I rest my elbows on the table leaning closer to him

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       "How long is a while, Pete?" This time I rest my elbows on the table leaning closer to him. 

       His next words were careful but still up front. "Give or take a week." 

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now