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dealer - lana del rey

Your hands traced my body like it was etched in the back of your mind on repeat. Your tongue held a taste on it you could never forget no matter how hard you tried; cigarettes with the tinge of cherries. 

Your mouth molded against mine perfectly like it was made to fit the shape perfectly and your breathe. Your breathe lapped through your lungs like it depended on it, in which it did. Though some days you wish it hadn't.

Some days you wish you could crumble and disappear into the wind, carried and scattered and forgotten. You had told me that one night and it made me want to hold you in my arms forever.

I wish you never felt that way.

day 1

Beauty and the beast. A classic tale of Stockholm syndrome turned into some sick twisted romance where the girl falls in love with the beast that held her captive. A tale of romance or a tale of demented hopefulness of nothing that young girls aspire to have? Right now I felt like no beauty and surely I wouldn't fall in love with the beast that held my captive.

I was being punished. I knew that, but for what exactly?

It was morning, seeing as how dawn peaked through the curtain less window shining right into my eyes as if it was saying, "welcome to your new Hell.". But I didn't feel so welcomed. I felt the opposite as the clothes in the closet weren't mine, the makeup was new and had never been touched before, and the bed laid unrest as my body hugged the carpeted floor in hopes it would hide me away.

The clothes from the night before stained my body as I was too tired to move from my spot to change and I knew Eli wouldn't like it. But I wasn't here to please him, I was here in hopes no one would find me and I could just hide from reality.

I felt broken, truly. I held no more trust within my soul and every time my brain would trace back to him all it did was bring pain. Pain that was so deep that my mind couldn't ignore or just push back, so deep that it's all my body could consume. And when the door swung open as sunlight broke through it didn't help one bit.

"Mouse, you're on the floor. Get her off the floor." I made no plan for movement as a pair of hands grab onto my arms lifting me up. Having no energy whatsoever I fall into the person's body hearing that groan in protest. "Now this isn't a way to act as a guest."

I observe as he fingers his bread while his eyes roam the untouched room. And before I know it he's kicking the other person out leaving it to just be the two of us. My ears register the click of the door as it's shut behind the retreating body and then a silence rings through the air as Eli stands over me watching for any sort of movement from my part. But there wouldn't be any.

"You need to fix yourself, quickly." The accent was so foreign to me but so familiar as he speaks.

"It's not that easy, you wouldn't understand." I finally croak out despite my throat burning from being so dry.

"I wouldn't understand? You don't know what I do and don't know." He takes a step closer pressing our bodies right against each other. "I know every single about your life, everything."

My eyes grow wide as a cough escapes my mouth from a gasp getting lodged. How. How does he know?

"Cat got your tongue, mouse?" His hand brushes through my hair as all I can do is stare up at his damned face.

"Stop." My voice and body was so weak. "Please."

"Stop what? I haven't even started yet." His smirk turns wicked as he brings his face closer to mine, only inches away. "Get ready for the day. I won't ask twice."

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now