To: You.

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Dear Pete,

Don't you try to blame this on me.

I'll never get back those nights you stole from me, the tears I've cried over you, and the kisses that you mercilessly stole every single time I woke up.

Your hands traced my body like it was etched in the back of your mind on repeat. Your tongue held a taste on it you could never forget no matter how hard you tried; cigarettes with the tinge of cherries.

Your mouth molded against mine perfectly like it was made to fit the shape perfectly and your breathe. Your breathe lapped through your lungs like it depended on it, in which it did. Though some days you wish it hadn't.

Some days you wish you could crumble and disappear into the wind, carried and scattered and forgotten. You had told me that one night and it made me want to hold you in my arms forever.

I wish you never felt that way.

Cigarette smoke mixed in with the smell of my perfume. That's what heaven smelt like and God, if I could smell it for the rest of my life I would.

What if I can't forget you?

Every time I smell those damn poison sticks it just reminds me of you. Who you were, what we did, our memories, and the things we never got to do.

The way you laughed and how the trail of smoke flowed out of it. The way your hands fit perfectly around my waist and not to mention how comforting it was to to be in your arms.

Now all I do is cry at the moon wishing for it.

I only pretend to not care, so please know that I do. When you tell me your secrets and your childhood memories, I understand. It's just hard.

When you talk to me at night when you think I'm asleep, I'm not, but I would never tell you that in fear you won't do it again.

Tell me more stupid facts about the things you're interested in, I swear I'm interested as well, trust me.

And when you left me for once and all, don't forget who I am. The girl you call the Moon and the body and soul you pray to religiously every night.

  For the night holds both of our secrets we swore we'd never speak of. But maybe this one time you're an exception to them.

And now all I can do is tell our story.

A story of the lovers who never made it. The only thing keeping us alive are those secrets we told to the night who holds them dearly to it's heart.

If you somehow end up reading this, I love you. I always have despite never having being able to tell you. I'm sorry and I love you.

I'm sorry for what happened to us.

I'm sorry your family deserted you and you felt like I was the only one there for you, but in your time of need I wasn't there.

I'm sorry I made you believe I didn't care. Because trust me, I did.

I'm sorry you even met me.

I'm sorry for loving you amore.

Love, your forbidden lover

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now