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selena gomez - good for you

He was gorgeous. With the sun shining on him and the breeze pushing back his hair he refused to cut. The air here was fresher than anything I've dealt with before. The ocean was not that far of a drive away, the market was down the street, and for once it was just us.

His warm hands kept me in place as the eggs in the pan sizzled and cracked. He was saying some dumb joke he heard last night at the pub he went to with his friends he made. I laughed not understanding the context one bit but if he thought it was funny, it was funny.

Blonde hair was a time of the past. No longer did I stress over him not liking the real me, we stayed honest with each other. I knew which me he loved, he loved the undeniable mess that was me who stopped wearing wigs, who loved to cook instead of dance, and who couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Living in Italy was a different experience from any I've had before. Sometimes I missed Las Vegas, sometimes. I would think back to the late nights when it was just us, the parties he would throw in that small house, sneaking in through the back gate of some hotel to get to the pool, and most of all just being around with everyone.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. I breathe in deeply leaning into his touch, this couldn't be real. It just felt too much like a dream for it to have turned out this way. Him entangled with my body in the middle of Italy.

"You." I smile wishing I could sink into his skin and melt against him.

"Oh?" He plants a kiss against my neck making me melt even more. "Should I be worried?"

"No, love." He should be the opposite.

I couldn't help but wonder what else awaited us. The future held so much and so did the universe. But I wasn't sure what more I could get without pushing the limit.

"Remember that time in New York when we were on the yacht?" The sun began to sunset behind the old buildings that surrounded us.

"You mean when I got arrested and everything went to shit?" I let out a laugh at his usage of words as I twisted around to face him.

"Yes. But do you remember what we said?"

"I don't actually, can you refresh my mind?" He leans down resting his forehead against mine.

"You asked me what I dreamt about. I said mine was to find a place I could find home." And I did. Pete was home, as cheesy as it sounded. "You said yours was family."

"And then you said we'll get married and have ten kids." And we did neither of those things.

I shake my head and smile. "You know that you'll always have a family when you're with me right? We don't need to do that if you don't want to. It can just be us."

"I do want a family, Carmen." He places a hand on my cheek making me look up at him as he held a gentle look on his own.

"I don't think I'll be able to handle ten kids though." He laughs that beautiful laugh of his. Running my fingers across his face I can't help but think what our children would look like. Brown hair of course but his eyes or mine? Would they get his height? Would they get a mix of our personalities?

"Let's just start with one then." He pulls me into a hug lifting me up as my bottom hits the rail of the balcony. I hung on tight to him as my face rested on his shoulder, just his company alone was enough for me.

Not only was he a dream, but so was Italy. And I couldn't wait to see him realize how lucky we were to be here and how lucky I was to have found him. 

 In the end, it was just us and that's all that mattered.

Pete and Carmen.

A/N: This is the last chapter!! the end of the book, the end of an era, the end of Pete and Arabella (Carmen). I don't think I'll be writing another book as long as this one. I hope you guys enjoyed this story :) it was amazing and fun to write but now I'm very excited to continue my other two !! (dead of night and the kiss of death).

This took two years to complete, a lot of writer's block, and a storyline that took FOREVER to figure out. It does need major editing so if at any point the story was confusing or just weird, trust it will be fixed eventually LMAO.

Aren't you glad I finally ended a story with a happy ending?? Pete actually ended up with the girl, for once! anyways I'm sorry the last chapter is super short but, I didn't want to drag it on <3

I love love love every single one of you guys who has supported these books (or even just this one), and who has supported my writing over the years. It's so fun writing these books and there's no plan at the moment to stop these books so <3

remember to be nice to everyone even if they're not nice back. treating someone with kindness can even improve someone's day by a lot or even a little. don't leave hate anywhere and if you feel hate just keep it to yourselves, no one cares to hear about it. 

The Lovers - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat