thirty three

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* I don't even know how to describe what will go on in this chapter just sit back and read. Contains MA themes.

: need to know- doja cat

"What the fuck happened last night," I groaned.

Sunlight crept through my window and blasted onto my face. My head was aching as well as my entire body. My room door creaked open, and out came Celia with a glass of water in her hand.

"Look who's awake," she chirped. "Here, drink this."

I grabbed the water and gulped it down immediately. My throat was uncomfortably dry, and I was severely dehydrated. I set the glass down on my bedside table and tried to remember the events from yesterday. But every time I got close to recovering a memory my head would ache.

"I think I had a threesome," I whispered.

Celia laughed and placed two small painkiller
tablets into my hand. I used the rest of the water to swallow them and I leaned my head up against my headboard.

"Well you did drink a little too much," she said. "And it wasn't necessarily a threesome. You just heavily made out with my boyfriend and Saint."

My body heated up when I started to remember what had happened inside of Celia's apartment.

What was I thinking?

"Your boyfriend?" I said, trying to change the subject. "I take it you had an interesting night as well."

She smiled to her self and my eyes landed on the bright red hickies all over her neck.

"I did," she sighed.

She didn't seem happy nor sad, just content. I was surprised that she hadn't been bombarding me with questions. It certainly wasn't the norm for her.

"Hm, well. Let me apologize for making out with your boyfriend... a few times."

"It's fine Luci," she laughed. "I'd never hold that against you. But I am sorry for ruining your birthday. I've been too pushy. I just want what's best for you. I want everything to work out in your favor."

"Celia, I'm too hammered to decipher your cryptic foreshadowing messages, can you please be straightforward?"

"Sorry," she chuckled. "Last night was... interesting to say the least. Kate woke up in a sweat on my couch and I had to call Saint to take her home," she explained. "He'd already dropped you off at your house by then. He seemed really happy about something."

My brows furrowed and I immediately glanced around my room for my phone.

"I don't even remember half the shit we did last night," I groaned.

I unlocked my phone and started to go through it. My eyes widened when I looked through my camera roll and everything started to come back to me.

"I'm such an idiot," I said. "Saint planned an impromptu date. And we went into the photography and art museum and took pictures. It was so sweet. I think I was a bit buzzed the entire time. He probably hates me because of that."

Celia laughed and peered over my shoulder to see the pictures.

"That's really nice of him though. I know you've wanted to go to that museum for ages."

I nodded and smiled as I looked through the pictures.

"He also may have asked me to be his girlfriend," I sighed.

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