Help is Around the Corner 17

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

Doc finishes his steak, and then contentedly sits in Addison's lap while she finishes hers.

The rest of the gang pile into the kitchen, and Addison serves them each a plate.

"Whoa, steak," says Alex.

"Yeah, I like it. I know red meat isn't ideal all the time, but for a treat..." says Addison.

"No, it's good. It's great," says Izzie. "I grew up in a trailer park. I only had steak four times before I became a doctor," says Izzie.

"Oh," says Addison.

"We had steak a lot because I have four brothers plus my parents like steak," says George. "I'm just glad I didn't have to hunt for my dinner."

"I like a good steak," says Cristina.

"Derek likes steak," says Izzie. "What, we talk about food sometimes. We don't have a lot else in common," Izzie laughs.

"He does, where is he? Derek!" says Addison.

"Can you call him?" Addison asks Alex.

"Yo, Shepherd! Steak!" says Alex.

"Hey, what's up?" Derek appears.

"He's learned to tune my voice out," says Addison, chucking.

"Hey!" says Derek.

"Oops, now he hears me!" Addison laughs.

"Steak, nice, is this Kathleen's recipe?" says Derek.

"Yep," says Addison.

"Where's Meredith?" says Derek.

"She's working the night shift," says Addison.

"Ah-" says Derek.

"Ooh, steak," says Callie, as she walks into the kitchen with George.

"It's good!" says George.

"Thanks," says Addison.

"It is," says Callie.

Addison puts the leftovers away, including a plate for Meredith. She labels it in curly handwriting, and she's tempted to put a heart beside her name, but she resists the temptation.

"So does tonight have a theme?" says Addison.

"Not really," says Cristina.

"Really!?" says Derek.

"Nope, no theme tonight," says Izzie.

"We agreed that three themed nights a week was the maximum," says Alex.

"Or, Alex made a rule," says Izzie.

"If I've got to live here, I want to just live here sometimes," says Alex.

"Fair," says George. "Well, I'll be playing my video games if anyone needs me," says George.

"That sounds fun," says Izzie.

"You can play too if you want," says George.

"Can I play?" says Derek.

"Sure," says George.

"Oh, and me!" says Callie.

"Why don't we just have a tournament?" says George.

"Sure," says Izzie.

"Dude, another theme night?" says Alex.

"You don't have to play," says Addison.

"Are you kidding?" says Alex. "I'm going to crush all you beginners."

"Rr!" says Doc.

"You wanna play too?" says Addison.

"Rr!" says Doc.

"Alright, you can play with me," says Addison.

"Rr!" says Doc.

George does up some brackets, and they have a Mario Kart showdown, with Alex ending up in the finals against George. Addison played well, but Doc kept stepping on the controller, and she let him participate. Derek tried not to be upset about losing the first match against Izzie.

"Annnnnnnnd the winner is... George!" says Cristina.

"He had more practice," says Alex.

"Hey, no complaining, you challenged me!" says George.

They have some lemonade to celebrate, and just watch mindless TV to end off the evening.

With Meredith gone, Addison finds herself a bit lost, not knowing what to do without her usual companion. She decides she'll maybe start reading the book Meredith was reading, and heads up to her (and Meredith's) room, and picks it up.

It's a decent book, and Addison enjoys it. And mostly she enjoys it because it makes her feel close to Meredith.

"Rr!" says Doc, walking into the room.

"Hey buddy, come up here," says Addison, picking him up.

"Rr!" says Doc.

"Yeah, I know you like the middle spot, I'll move over," says Addison.

"Rr, says Doc.

"You miss Meredith, hey?" says Addison.

"Rr..." says Doc.

"Yeah, so do I," says Addison.

"Rr..." says Doc.

"You're right. Sleep. We've got to sleep," Addison says as she turns out the lights.

"Rr..." says Doc.

"Goodnight you too Doc."

Meredith finishes surgery at two in the morning, and it's two-thirty before she gets home.

She checks the fridge to savage for something to eat, and she smiles when she sees a plate set out for her with Addison's handwriting.

Meredith re-heats it, and eats it, and gets ready for bed.

She smiles even more when she sees Addison sprawled out on her bed, with Doc on her pillow, and she crawls on the other side of it next to her.

"Rr!" says Doc.

"Shh, it's late, Doc. Goodnight," says Meredith.

"Rr..." says Doc.

"I know Doc, I know," says Meredith. "I'm glad we're both home with you, too."

Doc wags his tail, and settles down again in between Meredith and Addison's heads.

"Goodnight, Addison," says Meredith, as she wraps her arms around her, and curls up into her chest.

Meredith sighs contentedly, so happy to finally be next to Addison again, she feels her heart swell, and she feels so calm and soothed.

She feels at home, at peace, and she hopes that Addison feels it too.

She finally sleeps soundly again, and she hopes that Addison won't turn away again, or want to stop this, because she thinks as she falls asleep that Addison is the very best thing that's ever happened to her.







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