Help is Around the Corner 19

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

"Hey, do you know any hot people I could flirt with to make Addison jealous?" Meredith asks Izzie out of context, in the hallway.

"Umm-" Izzie almost confesses her own plot of pretending to flirt with Addison to make her jealous, but she sees Cristina gesturing 'no,' at her, so she doesn't. "Umm, not really-" says Izzie, evading the question. "I'll let you know..." she says vaguely.

"It has to be someone hot. Someone, she'll think I've moved on with," says Meredith.

"And this plan works better than just asking her out because...?" says Izzie.

"She's married, and I don't know if she'd like me that way, y'know? So Cristina thought I should see if she likes me by seeing if she gets jealous over me," says Meredith.

"This is... Cristina's idea!?" says Izzie, slightly horrified.

"Yeah, it's brilliant, right?" says Meredith.

"Yeah, just genius," says Izzie, shooting a glare over Meredith's shoulder at Cristina.

"It is!" says Meredith. "I've just got to find the right target..."

"Well, good luck with that," says Izzie, before she darts away from Meredith.

"Thanks," says Meredith, as she plots this in her head.

She finds the perfect target right after lunch.

"He's perfect-" says Meredith.

"Umm-" says George.

"For my plan!" says Meredith.

"Your... What?" says George.

"I have this plan. See, I'm going to first with that man right there. And it's gonna make Addison so jealous that she's gonna get mad and break up with Derek. And then I'm gonna tell her how much I l-... I like her. And then she's gonna date me. And then-"

Meredith rambles for a little while longer while George stares at her slack-jawed.

"I'm going in there, wish me luck," says Meredith to George.

Meredith saunters over to the nurse's station in the most flirtatious way that she can.

"Hi," says Meredith, while twirling her hand in the air.

"Hi," says the very chiseled-jaw man in the black leather jacket, who starts smirking at her.

Meredith gulps, as she steels herself to continue.

"So, how are you liking it... Here?" says Meredith, in a way that she hopes is convincing.

"Confounded by the rain and it's only my first day in town," says the man.

"You get used to it..." says Meredith.

"It makes me want to stay in bed all day?" says the man.

"We just met, and already you're talking about bed. You're not very subtle, y'know," says Meredith.

"Subtle was never my strong suit..." says the man that Meredith is fake-hitting-on. "So, do you ever go out with co-workers?" says the guy.

"I umm-" Meredith doesn't say anything else, she just blushes.

"Because I could work here, or I could not, and either way we could get to know each other," says the guy. He's taller than Derek, but more built. Actually, he kind of reminds Meredith of Derek, and she has no idea why...

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