Help is Around the Corner 18

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Help is Around the Corner

Addison and Derek's trailer catches fire, and Meredith offers them a place to stay for a while.

"Where's Derek?" says Izzie, as she moves past Derek's muesli to find some ingredients for baked apple oatmeal.

"Maybe he left?" says Cristina.

"No, actually he's outside," says George. "I went for a walk this morning, and he's out on a hammock," he shrugs.

"Seriously?" says Izzie.

"Is there coffee yet?" says Cristina.

"In the coffee pot," says Izzie.

"Nice, oatmeal," says Alex, as he reaches over Izzie to get some.

"Now you at least need a bowl and a spoon," says Izzie.

"Oatmeal," says Callie, as she pours herself a bowl because she stayed the night last night.

"Hey, where's Mer?" says Cristina.

"They aren't up yet," says Alex.

"We should wake them," says George.

"Do you want to wake Derek? Or do you want to wake Meredith and Addison?" says Izzie.

"Neither!" says George.

"Well somebody has to do it," says Alex.

"You do it then!" says Izzie.

"I'll wake Meredith and Addison, Cristina you wake Derek," says Callie.

"Fine," says Callie.

"Yo, McDreamy, get your ass out of... The hammock... Izzie's made oats," says Cristina.

"Cristina?" says Derek, grumbling. "Time for work. And why are you outside?" says Cristina.

"Meredith was snoring last night," says Derek.

"And you can hear that from all the way down here?" says Cristina.

"Yes, well, it's really loud, I can," says Derek. "And I like the fresh air."

"Alright, whatever, get up if you want breakfast," says Cristina.

"Thanks, Yang," says Derek, yawning.

"Addison... Meredith..." Callie knocks on the door gently.

"Addison... Meredith..." Callie tries again.

There isn't a stir, so she opens the door, and walks up close to them. Addison and Meredith are out like a light next to each other, wrapped so tightly around each other that Callie can hardly tell them apart, with Doc resting on both of their foreheads.

They look so happy that Callie doesn't want to disturb them, but she has to, and she notes to herself that she'll have to ask Addison about this later.

"Grey, Addison, come on," says Callie, as she moves in and nudges them.

"Mm-" says Meredith.

"Mm?" says Addison, as they move even closer together.

"Come on, it's time to get up," says Callie, as she nudges them again.

They don't move, so Callie takes desperate measures, and pulls them gently apart.

"Hey!" says Meredith.

"Callie!?" says Addison.

"Breakfast!" says Callie.

"Sleeping!" says Meredith.

"Come on, we let you sleep in already," says Callie.

"Fine," says Meredith.

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