
17 1 0

28 February 2015.

- 11:06 am -

I'm currently in a car, crying with a pillow covering my head. We're driving home from Austria. (We were there skiing for a week)

Yesterday we were in a restaurant and everything was perfectly fine. We all had some alcohol, both my parents, me, and my brother. We had all week though. So everything was fine but the food was taking too long thought my parents. My brother and I both were too tired to give a damn and had rather not have had any further problems. My dad though started to make a fuss. When we 'finally' got our food, my mum would still not shut up. My brother and I both tried our best to calm her down but she only got more mad. She was drunk and we all knew it. We kept trying to keep her calm but she wasn't really appreciating it. We eventually stopped trying and ignored her. She was making a big fuss about it all, still. So when we got back to the hotel she started beating us, first my brother because he was protecting me from her, then me because I was outside and I still had to come in. She treathened me and hit me. My dad did nothing. Then upstairs, we were waiting for my mum to open the door. (She had the keys of our room) She did but she wouldn't let us in. We pushed her away and walked in, but then she like exploded and beat us and grabbed me by my hair dragging me down. My dad still watching doing nothing. My mum walked out after and we quickly locked the door. I swear I have never been so terrified ever before. I mean yes she has always been beating me but being in a hotel room in f'cking Austria with no where to go hasn't happened before. I got an anxiety attack in front of my brother and I didn't know what to do. Wifi wasn't working but I used 3G to WhatsApp my best friend to tell him what happened. He is probably the only one in real life who knows about it. So he directly called me and comforted me. I love him so much. I couldn't talk because I was still in an anxiety attack and j couldn't stop crying. When I come hone today I'm going to talk to him straight away and maybe stay with him for the night if its needed. So after that my mum came back now beating the door because we locked it. My brother and I were both terrified, but unlocked the door after a few minutes. My mum locked it and left, luckily.

My dad stood right there, all the time and he did nothing. Maybe my mum was drunk but I don't care. She fucking beat me and she knows it but she isn't even sorry. I hate both her and my dad so much. So much.

So now its 11am and I'm crying in this goddamn car, hugging a stuffed animal because that's the only comfort I can probably get here. I'm still terrified and crying. I'm so hurt. Its Saturday but on Monday I'm going to talk someone at school because I can't do this no more. If my best friend wasn't here I would have killed myself yesterday, I'm not kidding. It hurts so much. Its just the feeling that you're so confused. So hurt. So terrified. I swear next year when I'm 18, I'm going to America and I'm never coming back to them. Never ever. I'm just going to sleep now and watch a movie. Yeah I can because we brought a laptop.

- 4:45 pm -

We're still not home but I'm better. However I feel like I still could break down any minute if I got the change. The GPS system says its 1 hour and 40 minutes more but we're in a traffic jam so it probably will take longer.

- 6pm -

Aaaaanddd we're finally in Holland again!! My phone has 45% left and I haven't had internet part of yesterday and entire today. There's 20 minutes left till home.


By the way, I'm 17 years old and my brother is 16 year old.

"Where's the good in goodbye, where's the nice in nice try"

- has been stuck in my head all day. Love that song ♥.

- 6:11 pm -


Anyways I got to go bc my parents are still mad and I got to find a way to fix this up.

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