chapter 24

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28 July.

Its 1:25am and I'm in my tent with a sore throath, and the tears streaming down my face.

If my brother wasn't here I would have cut already.

So I was at the poolbar tonight, and there are stairs to the roof, and all the "cool" guys went up there and I sat with my friends downstairs right under them.

Then at some moment some guy spat at me. At my shoulder. So f'cking disgusting. I was so angry and I went to sit at the other side, to see who did it. I didn't know.

Later, the guys went downtairs and they laughed at me and talked about me all night. And it just sucks because I'm really insecure and when something happens I can't even take that well.

So with all this b'llsh't it went really wrong. Words can hurt, and they cut like knifes.

But its night here and I'm still discussing if I should take my blades or not. My brother just went to sleep so I might aswell.. I don't know.

I feel so terrible.


So goodnight!

Maybe I'll update tomorrow!]

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