chapter 25

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31 July.

I haven't updated in a while, due to that I was extremely tired and absolutely not feeling well.

- 6:30pm -

So I just got back from cliffjumpimg, again :). It was so awesome and great (as always haha). There were some awesome other guys, spanish dudes, a few girls and two super cute dogs ♥.♥ A 'mixed' dog and a bulldog. The owner of the bulldog did a backflip!! The owners of the mixed breed dog didn't jump, I guess they just came to tan. I had a great laugh!

And on our way to the cliff, I swear I've NEVER laughed SO hard.

We saw a puddle of dog poop, and my brother threw a rock in it. So one of our friends stood kinda 'frontrow' and he got the poop all over his body. He was only wearing shorts and it was all over his back, tummy and even in his face.

I still can't stop laughing, it was so hilarious man seriously holyshit xD


So erm it has been a hard time for me lately, my arms are completely covered in cuts, and my legs half. I'm broken, and I hardly get sleep. My heart hurts like hell. I spend my nights crying, and trying to resist the urge of wanting to cut.

Yesterday night I talked to some guy and I'm going to stay clean for him. Its extremely hard but I really want to make him proud.

- monday -

On monday I went lasergaming, on the campsite, nothing new but not any less awesome! It was so cool.

Well, I got in a fight, basically laid in a hole full of ants and it rained, but hey: it was all worth it.

The animation (the people who arranged it and are from the campsite) said we weren't allowed to team up, but fuck them, we did it anyway. Turned out, one of my friends was 3rd, I was 4th but I gave my weapon to my brother so he could ,kill' the last bitches lol.

- today, 7:14pm -

My mum is making pancakes so I have to go, I expect to go out with my friends tonight! :) Think its gonna be fun!

I still feel like crap but my friends make it all alot better!!


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