day four

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*A short chapter again. Sorry guys.*

I wake up at 7 am. Why? No clue. I fall back asleep at 8am and my mum wakes me up at 9 to say she's gone till 12 pm. What basically means I'll be home alone until then! Normally I jump out of my bed after she left the house but today I was too tired. Too tired of life, of everything. I just didn't want to. I felt terrible but I really had to get up before 12 bc I still had work to do. My head was exploding of pain. But I decided to do the stuff as quickly as I could.

For the rest of the day I did nothing. well at 6:30pm I had a horseriding lesson and it went well. But at the end we were jumping and my horsey refused haha oops.. So I fell off. Nevermind, she's still my champion ♡.

It's like 23:20pm now and I'm in bed. I'm SO tired. My head is exploding from pain again, idk how. I'm just getting worse.

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