Chapter 40

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29th Augustus 2014.

- 7:30 pm -

I feel so fucking terrible. I'm in the middle of a huge breakdown, the last few hours I spend crying, crawling on the floor from the pain, gripping my hands in my shirt and hair, just anything to make the pain go away. It doesn't help though. This pain never goes away. my eyes are bloodshot, tears are streaming down my face and my voice is fucked up. I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't know it would be so soon.

I'm getting worse everyday. I'm still clean but that won't last long if I keep getting worse. I think of cutting every single day, and every minute in a breakdown. It's just so fucking worthless. I am worthless. I wish I did die last week. I wish I put through with it. I wish I was dead by now.. I don't want to continue my life, I have no fucking one who loves me. Nobody gives a fuck. My best friend? Well he could go without me. And I don't even know my Internet friends, and I'll never even meet one direction anyway. My parents hate me, always have so I really don't care.

I'm just so done with everything. I can't stand how everyone's life could be so easy and lovely. They are popular, pretty and have alot of friends. There I am, not the slightest bit of popular, ugly, suicidial and depressed. What a great person am I, right? I literally have nothing to live for and I'm just bothering people anyway if I talk about my problems. I hate myself so much. I hate the pain, I hate my life. I hate living. I wish someone could save me from this all.

My story.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ